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How do I add a user/vehicle to my fleet?

Invite your employees to the business platform

Updated over a week ago

In order to add a new driver to your EEVEE Mobility Business platform, you will need to invite the user to your fleet.

Drivers can be invited in two ways

  1. One by one by entering the email address(es) manually.

  2. In bulk by uploading a .csv file with email addresses.

Click the + Add drivers-button in the bottom left corner of your screen. Click the Send invites button and the employee(s) will receive an invitation email.

Supported file format: .csv

We only support uploading a .csv list of email addresses. In case you have a file in another format it is important to first convert/export it to this supported file format.

How to convert a .xls-file

  • Open the file in a supported application (such as Microsoft Excel, Google Spreadsheets) and when saving or exporting it, make sure to select .csv.

  • In some cases you can just change the file format by changing the name of the file. Just change .xls to .csv and check if the file is not corrupted.

See the status of all pending invites

The invites tab gives you an overview of all pending invites so you exactly know who (should have)

  • received the invite

  • accepted or declined the invite,

  • has an account created, ...

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