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How to Create Classes Enrollment Model Programs (Part 2)
How to Create Classes Enrollment Model Programs (Part 2)

Step-by-step guide to creating customized Classes in the Classes Enrollment Model

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a month ago

NOTE: This is Part 2 of the Classes Enrollment Model Program.

If you haven't read Part 1, please click here.

Create Class(es)

Now you will need to create one or more Classes within each Program you created. Here's how to create a Class.

Step 1 - Pricing (on Class)

If you set up your Program where the pricing is on the Class, this is how you add the pricing. If not, skip down to Step 2 - Add a Class. The following is a breakdown of each Program Cost option:

  • Free - This is an entirely free program (no costs associated). An example of a free Program is a state-funded preschool program.

  • Fixed Cost - Fixed Cost means a set cost at enrollment, whether that cost is paid in full or in scheduled or installment payments. Examples of Fixed Cost Programs are summer camps and private lessons.

  • Subscription - Subscription is a set amount due at a specific interval until canceled (hence, there are no pay-in-full options). However, you can create an annual and monthly subscription, and each can have its unique costs. Examples of Subscription Programs are membership bundles and software subscriptions.

This step is where you enter your Program pricing. This is done in two ways:

  1. Total Cost of the Class

  2. Payment Plans

What is the Total Cost of each Class?

This is the TOTAL cost of EACH Class you are setting the pricing for. These fees can be optional or required at enrollment. They can also be included in Payment Plans or not. Once you have all your Charge Items added to the Program, Enrollsy generates a Pay-in-full plan for you.

Payment Plans

The next step is to decide if you want to add Payment Plan(s). To add a Payment Plan, click the plus button. Learn more about the various Payment Plans in these support articles:


You can now add one or more automatic Discounts to your Program. These Discounts include the following types:

  • Payment Plan Selection - Apply a discount to the Pay-in-Full selection or Payment Plan selection (or both!)

  • Multiple Enrollees - Apply a discount for two or more Enrollees enrolled in the same Enrollment Period under the same account, i.e., Sibling Discount. A discount can be applied for up to 20 Enrollees.

  • Date - Apply a discount on a specified date, i.e., Early Bird Discount. The discount will apply to the end of the day of the date entered.

  • Returning Customer -Apply a discount when the person enrolling uses an email address that is already on file.

Step 2 - Add Class

Navigate to the Classes page (this may be called something else if you've customized it, i.e., Sessions, Groups, etc.). Select the Program to which you want to add a Class, then click the Add Class button.

Next, you'll get a little drawer on the right side where you can set up the details of the Class, including the class Name, Instructor(s), Capacity, and more.

Step 3 - Basic (Details)

  • Add Selection List (only for Multi-List Class selection)

  • Add Credits Category/Categories (only for # of Credits Pricing)

  • Add Class Name - Enter the Class name

  • Add Instructor - Select the Instructors for the Class. Check out this support article if you need to know how to add an Instructor.

  • Add Capacity - Enter the maximum number of Enrollees the Class can have under "Capacity." See this article to learn more about Class Capacities.

  • Add Class Description (optional) - Enter a Class Description, which is optional. This description can be formatted with headings, paragraphs, colors, etc.

add a class in Enrollsy

Step 4 - When Does This Class Happen?

Next, you will need to enter when the Class happens.

  • Add start and end times.

  • Set days/dates the Class occurs - You can do this in one of two ways: a weekly schedule (the Class meets every week on the same schedule) or pick dates (the Class doesn't recur)

    1. Weekly Schedule

      This example is for a Class that occurs every Monday through Friday from Sept 1 to May 30:

      weekly schedule for a class in Enrollsy
    2. Add Holiday Calendar

      You can add a Holiday Calendar to a Weekly Schedule by clicking Add Holiday Calendar. See How to Create a Holiday Calendar for specific steps.

    3. Pick Dates (doesn't recur)

      This example is for a Class meeting on specific dates (Mondays & Wednesdays from June to August):

      picking dates for a class in Enrollsy

Step 5 - Email Reminder

The last step is to set up the Email Reminder, which is optional. Choose from the following options:

  • Off (default)

  • 1 hour before

  • 2 hours before

  • 1 day before

  • 5 days before

Add Custom Message - The Email Reminder custom message is a rich text element, which means you can easily add Zoom links, video and image links, tables, lists, styled paragraphs, and more.

Preview Email Message - You can preview the email notification. However, it tends to be tiny. Here is the preview email enlarged:

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