You may need to change your company bank account where your money is deposited. To do this, you will need to contact your merchant account provider. If you take ACH payments, you have ACHQ/Speedchex. If you take credit card payments, you either use Card Connect/Cardpointe or Till Payments/Nuvei. (If you don't know who your credit card merchant account provider is, ask us in chat and we can let you know).
NOTE: You will need your MID (merchant ID number) to change your bank account information. Enrollsy cannot give out MIDs. If you forget it, you will have to contact the payment gateway provider (Cardpointe or TillPayments for credit cards or ACHQ for ACH).
You can click here to access the ACHQ Change Deposit Account form.
Till Payments/Nuvei (Credit Cards)
You can click here to access the Tillpayments/Nuvei Change Deposit Account form.
Card Connect/Cardpointe (Credit Cards)
You will first need to sign into this account and then submit a ticket to have this changed. If you don't already have access to this account, you can follow the steps outlined here to gain access.
Once you are in, you will need to go to the support tab, create a ticket, and then select Bank Account Change.
These are the pieces of information that they will require for you to make a change:
The old routing and account numbers
The new routing and account numbers
The new bank account type (deposit, withdrawal, or both)
The Tax ID associated with the merchant account
The last 4 digits of the account owner’s Social Security Number
The merchant account owner's legal name
A voided check, in the event that your information cannot be verified automatically
You can also fill out a paper change request form.