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The Essaypop Starter Kit - Let's Dive In!
The Essaypop Starter Kit - Let's Dive In!

Everything you need to get started with essaypop is right here. Bookmark this page!

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Written by essaypop
Updated over a week ago
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First Things First!

Let's create your classes and onboard your students. Don't worry, it's really easy.

OK, now let's check out some of essaypop's most basic and important features.

Videos To Watch With Your Students

These three videos are geared at students and will help them navigate essaypop with ease. Watch these with them as you all learn the system together.

Where Do I Get Help If I Need It?

The nitty-gritty details of everything having to do with the essaypop universe can be located in our very comprehensive Help Center which is accessed by clicking the heart icon found in your avatar menu (google avatar, top-right).

If you prefer videos, our YouTube channel also is a great resource. We add new material all the time, so make sure you check in frequently and don't forget to subscribe.

We also have a person-to-person chat system where one of our teacher experts will provide you with answers to any questions you might have. Just click the orange, circular icon at the bottom left of the screen, and let's talk!

Where Do My Students Write?

The Writing Frames - Where the Magic Happens.

Let's take a look at the writing frame method and how it works. This video gives a good overview.

Essaypop offers a number of different writing-frame templates for different types of writing, including paragraph-length writing, quickwrites, short responses, multiple-paragraph essays, and narrative storytelling. This article goes into detail about which templates work best in different teaching scenarios.

Can My Students Prewrite or Brainstorm Before They Write?

Indeed they can. The prewriting feature acts like a jam-board that the teacher can attach a timer to. This article shows you how the feature works.

How Do I Monitor My Students' Writing?

The Hive - This is where the teacher monitors the writing and where students interact.

Let's take a look at how the Hive works. The Hive is the social, interactive, and collaborative heart of the essaypop system. This video and the article that follows give a good overview:

What About Assessment?

Assessment also happens in the Hive, and the essaypop approach saves teachers a lot of time. What's more, useful data and growth results are generated.

How Do I Find or Create a Good Lesson?

Create your own or grab one of ours!

Let's take a look at the essaypop, grab-and-go, lesson library, and essay-creation wizard. This video is helpful, and so is the article below.

You and your students are going to love essaypop. Here are some additional resources that will help you get to know the system.

All things essaypop

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