When you go into day view and click the greater than sign ">" to see the map of a tech's route, you might see a map of the world rather than a close up of the tech's route with a pin drop in the Atlantic Ocean/Equator/Gulf of Guinea/Africa.
Key Points
There is something that Google can't interpret in the customer's location address
The address must conform to what Google thinks the street is
This happens when the address for a location cannot be processed by Google Maps. (The actual location of the pin drop is the cross section of the equator and the Greenwich meridian.)
Click the pin drop that's in the Atlantic Ocean/Equator/Gulf of Guinea. The customer's appointment will change to a gold color in the Calendar. Edit this customer's location page and verify the spelling/numbers for the address, city, state and zip. Make the correction, save the page and go back to the calendar map. It should now zoom in on the tech's stops for that day.
The address must conform to what Google thinks the street is. For example, if the address you have in the customer's Location page is 12 W Main St, Google's database might have it as 12 West Main Street. If Google doesn't know how to process it, the pindrop gets thrown into the ocean.
If you know the address is accurate, it's possible that the address is in a new development and Google hasn't updated the street in their database. For this scenario, please see: Map Location Pin.