Note The Show All Changes link is available to Administrators only.
In the bottom-left corner of a customer's account, Work Order, Invoice, Estimate... you'll see a Show All Changes link.ย
Key Points
Click each Update line to see the Who and the updated content
Click the link to see the change history to that component. Below is an example showing who made a price change to an Invoice.
Version ID is the number associated to the update
Event is create or update
Time is the date and time of the update
Who is the person making the update, if blank it was an update made in the mobile app or a system automated update
Field Name is the item being updated
Before is the value/field as it was before the change
After is the value/field as it was after the change
Other things you can discover:
Who changed a customer from Active to Inactive (or Financial Hold or Sent to Collections)ย
From Show All Changes in the customer's Billing page. The customer below was Active (true) and is now Inactive (false).
Who and when a customer was deleted
From Show All Changes in the customer's Billing page:
Who and when an Invoice, Work Order, etc., was emailed
From Show All Changes in the Invoices, Work Order, etc.:
The last_emailed_by_id in this example is 3746. That is the ID of the person making the change and is part of that user's URL at Settings/Users & Routes.
Who and when a Work Order scheduled date/time was moved
From Show All Changes in the Work Order. Note If an appointment is moved after reminder has been sent, the (1) or (2) disappear from the appointment as the reminder count is reset - use this to identify why a (1) or (2) is not in the Calendar
In the above example, a Work Order was moved from May 23 to May 24. It also shows that this Work Order is now separated (disconnected) from the series. For more information about disconnecting Work Orders from a series, see: Disconnected from series
Who deleted a Work Order and when?
From Show All Changes in the Work Order: See the article Sales > Work Orders... to see how to recover a Work Order. Then look at Show All Changes...
Where a Work Order was closed on the mobile app
From Show All Changes in the Work Order: Copy the latitude and longitude coordinates into your browser's mapping app to find the pin drop.
When the Billing Frequency changed, what it was changed from and what it was changed to
The Billing Frequency numbering is set up as follows:
No invoice = -1
For every work order = 0
Monthly = 1
Quarterly = 2
Yearly = 3
One time = 4
Bi-Monthly = 5
The example below shows the Billing Frequency being updated from Yearly to One Time.
Why an appointment reminder was not sent to a customer
If a Work Order has a Start / End time entered, but the Work Order is not completed, an appointment reminder will not be sent for that Work Order if the appointment is reschedule later on. (A Start / End time is usually entered on missed appointments and the tech wants to log the time for accountability reasons.)
Why an appointment reminder was not sent to a customer
The Send Reminders was updated after the date window for sending the reminder. The numbers associated to the reminder type are below.
0 = As Per Account Settings
-1 = Inactive
1 = Send an email
2 = Send a text
3 = Send a text and email
In the following example, the reminder type was updated from As Per Account Settings to Send a text.
Who and when an appointment was confirmed.
Confirmed = true and confirmed by shows by whom.
Who and when a Work Order was added to the Work Pool.
Specific displaying false means the Work Order was added to the Work Pool.
True means it's on the Calendar.
Late Payment Reminders
On the bottom-left corner of the customer's account page, click Show All Changes to view updates to the Late Payment preference in the customer's account:
0 = Inactive
-1 = As Per Account Settings
1 = Send an email
2 = Send a text
3 = Send an email and a text
QuickBooks Online error: The name supplied already exists. : Another customer is already using this name
From Show All Changes in the customer's Billing page: The customer name was updated in Fieldwork but not in QuickBooks. The name in QuickBooks must exactly match what it is in Fieldwork or vise-versa. Check the display name in QuickBooks.
QuickBooks Online Error: transaction #nnnnn TxnID Cannot Be Linked
From Show All Changes in the customer's Location page: Fieldwork and QuickBooks handle customer file names differently. You will get this error if you move a location to another account and try to sync a payment attached to that location. Move the location back and sync the payment.
For more information about resolving QuickBooks errors, see: Settings - QuickBooks Online and Common QuickBooks Errors