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Sentricon Integration and installation
Sentricon Integration and installation

Integration and reporting for Sentricon Termite Bait Stations.

Karl Haywood avatar
Written by Karl Haywood
Updated over 4 months ago


Fieldwork now has the abilities to log, track and sync your Sentricon installations and renewals for your monthly DOW/Corteva billing.

If you are a current Sentricon agent and wish to import your customer data. Please contact us.

If you are new to Sentricon. Following the instruction below will guide you through the process.

Key Points

  • Activating your company as a Sentricon agent/installer

  • Create/Modify a Sentricon User

  • Create/Modify a Service to act as the Sentricon Installation service

  • Create/Modify Sentricon Installation Service Agreement

  • Create a Sentricon Service Location

  • Create and complete the Sentricon installation using the Sentricon Installation service.

  • Sync your Sentricon activity with Corteva

Activating your company as a Sentricon agent/installer

To activate your account as a Sentricon provider, if you still need to do so, you will need to upgrade to the Enterprise subscription with new pricing. Once you have upgraded to Enterprise, you can contact our office using the Fieldwork Send us a message feature by clicking on the green circle, square smiley face found in the lower right corner when logged into your Fieldwork account. You also send us an email to Or give us a call at 1-800-992-6339

Create a Sentricon user

Once we have begun your Sentricon set-up, we will request a User who will function as the Sentricon Manager. This login will be the individual who regularly updates your Sentricon account. They are not installers, nor do they need to have a Service Route.

You can find additional information regarding the creation of a new user in the article Users & Routes - Getting started

Not everyone needs to be a Sentricon user—only those who will be managing Sentricon.

You can use an existing user. Edit this user. Go to the Integration tab and place a check in the box [ ] Sentricon User

NOTE: This user's credentials need to match the Sentricon user credentials. If this account should be deactivated for any reason and a new person is assigned the role, contact us. We will update your Sentricon account with the new user information.

Create/Modify a Service to act as the Sentricon Installation service

One Service Type must be designated as the service type used to install a system. When used in a work order, this service type will auto-update the Sentricon Locations installation date once the work order is marked Completed.

NOTE: The install date uploaded to Sentricon will be the service date of that work order. If your installation happened on a previous date, set the work order's service date to the original installation date and complete it. For example, if the installation happened on Oct 7th, 2024, and today's date is Nov 15th, 2024, set the work order's service date to Oct 7th, 2024. Oct 7th will be the install date reported to DOW/Corteva.

NOTE: To reduce the possibility of errors, consider creating a Work Order Template for your Sentricon installations. Work Order templates can also be used for Service Agreements, should you use them. Find more information about work order temples in Settings - Work Order Templates

To create a new Service Type, go to Settings > Services and click the New Service button in the upper right. Enter all the information as needed.

Change the Sentricon field to Yes.

Click the green Create Service button at the bottom.

Create/Modify Setricon Installation Service Agreement

To create a service agreement that will function as the installation service, inspections, and renewals. Follow the procedures outlined in the following articles.

Create a work order template that uses the Sentricon Service previously created.

Use the Sentricon Work Order template for the Initial service in your Sentricon Service Agreement.

Create a Sentricon Service Location

The first step is to create a Sentricon Service location. This will be the physical location where the Sentricon system will be installed.

Create/Modify a service location for Sentricon

Go to, or create a service location that will be receiving a Sentricon install.

Verify the service address is present and correct.

Click the Actions button and select Sync Site located under Sentricon.

The Sync with Sentricon pop-up will appear. Verify that all the data points are present and correct.

NOTE: You may need to edit the Customer First Name, Customer Last Name, Site First Name, and Site Last Name because these fields will auto-populate with the Customer Name and Location name from Fieldwork.

Once all data fields are correct, click the green Submit button at the bottom.

Once the sync to Sentricon has been completed, the Sync with Sentricon pop-up will appear. This is a portal directly to your Sentricon account.

Additional information must be filled out, such as Installation Type, linear footage, and more. Consult your Senticon manager for specific guidelines. Once all the necessary information has been entered, click the Save Changes button at the top right of the page.

Create and complete the Sentricon installation using the Sentricon Installation service.

Once you have set the service location as a Sentricon site, you will need to create the installation work order. Once this work order has been marked completed, Fieldwork will automatically upload the installation date to Sentricon.

Create a work order as you would any other service. Your company may use a work order template or a Service Agreement. Check with your Sentricon manager and follow the company procedure as directed.

After the installation has been completed, mark the work order completed as you might any other work order. The technician can complete and save using the Fieldwork Office app, or the office can mark the work order completed from the Desktop.

Once completed, you can verify that the installation date has been uploaded by going to the service location, clicking the Actions button, and selecting View Site.

The View in Sentricon pop-up will appear. Verify the Install Date has been uploaded.

NOTE: If the installation date did not populate. Return to the installation work order and verify it was using the correct service type. If the wrong service was entered. Edit the work order, change the service type and save. This will re-sync the installation date.

Sync your Sentricon activity with Sentricon

You will need to communicate your Sentricon activities at intervals established by Sentricon using the designated Sentricon user. This operation is done through Sales > Invoices. From here, there are two options at the top right of the page: Sentricon Communications and Sentricon Renewal List.

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