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Document templates

Streamline how your Work Orders and Invoices look

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago


Create a Document Template when you want consistency across the Work Order and Invoice PDFs that are emailed or printed for your customers. 

The first tab is your Work Order Template, the second tab is your Invoice template. Templates are available at Settings/Document Templates.

Key Points

  • Identify your Work Order, Invoice needs

  • Create up to 3 specific-purpose templates

  • Sections are available to include, exclude and move around in the templates

  • There are eight additional settings (check boxes) to include/exclude

  • Attaching the template to an Invoice or Work Order

Before changing the Work Order and Invoice templates, identify your Work Order, Invoice needs. What do you want to show in these templates and what do you not want to show.

You can create up to 3 specific-purpose templates, any of which can be attached to a Work Order, Work Order Series, or to an Invoice. Specific purpose means you can remove any of the template sections to meet the needs of a customer. For example, you have Photos included in your regular Service Report template but you might have a customer who doesn't want photos included. Create a separate template with the photos section removed.

As you make changes make use of the Preview Button (always click a Preview button). This will show you what your customers will see. 

What the template controls

If you were to remove all sections from the template and disable all settings, you'll see your company details on the left, and Invoice or Service Report content on the right. This will always appear on your template no matter what sections it contains.

The following sections are available for you to include, exclude and move around in your templates. Click and drag sections up and down to change the order in which they'll appear.

Customer Address: contains the billing and service addresses.

Terms: Includes service date, invoice date, due date, and billing terms.

Line Items: Includes the descriptions, quantities, price, taxable and totals.

Materials: Includes the materials, EPA#, quantity, dilution rate, application method, and device used in this service.

Notes: These notes come from the mobile app, Notes - Report Findings. The square feet, wind direction, wind speed, and  temperature come from the mobile app - Environment

Signatures: This comes from the mobile app - Signatures

Devices: This comes from mobile app - Devices. It includes summaries by device and pest. It also includes scanned device inspection details and lists unscanned devices.

Location / Building: Place and building name or number. This can be added when a new device is added in the mobile app or within the customer's location page
Scan Time: The time the QR/bar code was scanned
Device ID: is the ID associated to the device. QR/bar codes can always change but the Device ID does not
Device Type: ILT, Snap Trap, Multi-Catch, etc. Update this at Settings/Trap Types
Condition:  Condition of the trap, Good, Needs Replacing, Damaged, etc. This list can be updated in Settings > Trap Condition
Material Condition: New, moldy, bait hit, etc. This list can be updated in Settings > Bait Condition
Findings: Droppings, Nesting Material, etc. This list can be updated in Settings > Evidences

Photos: These come from the mobile app - Photos. You can take pictures of evidences from your device or include pictures that are already in your device. You can add up to 10 photos.

Addendum: This entry comes from Settings/Work Orders. If your state requires you to disclose information about the materials you use, this is a good place to include that information.

Memo: This comes from the comments you add to the bottom left-hand corner of the invoice. 

Footer: The Work Order footer content comes from Settings/Work Orders. This is a good place to offer guidance on how to pay online.

Invoice Footer: The Invoice footer content comes from Settings/Invoices. This is a good place to thank the customer as well as asking them to include their customer number and invoice number on the check when paying. 

Diagrams: If you created a diagram in the Work Order, it will be added to the Work Order PDF form.

There are eight additional settings you can select to include/exclude from your templates:

  • Display Pricing - If cleared, the Line Items row includes just the descriptions, quantities and if it's taxable (Yes/No)

  • Display Service Date - if cleared, the date does not appear in the upper-right corner

  • Display Start Time - if cleared, the start time does not appear in the upper-right corner

  • Display End Time - if cleared, the end time does not appear in the upper-right corner

  • Display Payment Coupon - Selecting the check box adds the Payment Coupon to the invoice

  • Display Details for Line Items - Selecting the check box adds the Line items to Work Orders and Invoices

  • Display Next Service Date (On completed work orders) - Selecting the check box adds the next service date in the upper-right corner of the Work Order

  • Show Unscanned Devices - Selecting the check box shows unscanned devices

Below that you'll see Available Sections. This list is populated when you click the Remove button from the main list. 

Don't forget to use the Preview button to see what your customers will be getting (always use a Preview button).

When finished, click the big green Save Templates button.

Attaching the Template

When you create a Work Order, or edit a Series, you select the template in the upper right corner and save it. When the service is completed in the mobile app it will use that template.

Also, watch this video:

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