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Adding Customers - importing from another program
Adding Customers - importing from another program

Use our example file; contact us if you need assistance

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago

If you don't use a computer program to manage your customers (PestPac, QuickBooks, Excel, or Word, for example) you can skip this article. 

We recommend that you import your database within your 14-day Free Trial Period.


Importing takes the customer data (name, address, phone number, email address, etc.) from your existing program's export file and puts that information into Fieldwork. We recommend copying your data from your program's export file into our example file.

Key Points

  • Defining what importing does

  • Identifying your program's export file

  • Identifying our example file and its benefits

  • Importing without using our example file

  • Starting the process

  • Importing your customers

What does importing do?
Importing takes the information from your existing program's export file and puts that information into Fieldwork. We recommend copying your data from your program's export file into our example file.

What is my program's export file?
If you are currently using a software program specific to your business you should have the capability to export your data out of the program. If you are using a spreadsheet or word processor, we can use those files without further modification.

What is the example file?
The example file contains column headers and four sample customers. You'll want to match your data to our column headers. This helps make the import process a smoother transition as we use the column headers to import your data into the right areas of our program.

What are the benefits of using the example file?
Our system has specifically named fields that match to the column headers in the example file. Data under the FIRST NAME column will be placed in the first name field of the accounts created, for instance. If your column header is just NAME or something else, the import process might not be as smooth as we would like.

Can I import without using your example file?
Yes, but it's a good idea to match our column headers from the example file into your import file.

How do I start the process?
Export your existing program's data as a .CSV (comma separated value), SCSV (semi colon separated value), or as a TXT (text) file from your existing program. 

Use the example file as a template to match up your data with our column headers. Save the file as a .CSV, .SCSV, or .TXT file

A few things to note before you import:

  • We can import a maximum of 10,000 records at a time. If you have more, you'll need divide your records into two or more .CSV files.

  • If you have fields in your export file that we don't, we will try to create custom fields for you. Please let us know.

  • The more complex your data file is, the more challenges it presents. If after comparing our example file with your data file and you feel it's a bigger project than you're comfortable with, contact us to so we may look at your file to analyze how the process is going to proceed.

  • If you get it wrong, we can delete your customer database and start over. However, this takes a developer to delete your existing database and we might not have a developer readily available.

Some of the complexities of your data file that may need to be addressed before importing include:

  • First name and last name are in the same data cell - they need to be in separate cells

  • Address number, street, city, state and zip code in the same data cell - these too need to be in separate cells

  • Mis-match of heading rows between the your file and our fields (this may require some evaluating before proceeding)

  • Sometimes when you open the export file you'll see one column has the top half correct, but the bottom half will be one column to the right

How to import your customers
When your import file is ready:

  1. From the Dashboard, click Customers

  2. Click the down arrow to the right of the Add Customer button

  3. Click Import

  4. Click Choose File

  5. Find the import file on your computer and click it

  6. Select the Column Separator format for the file (.CSV, .SCSV, or .TXT)

   7. Click Import Customers
   8. Verify the column headers in your import match our fields. It doesn't have to be
       exact, but the content in the column should match the field. For example, you
       might have First and Last as column headers for the customers' first and last
       names, select First Name and Last Name.

9. If a column doesn't match, click the down arrow to the right of the field and select
    the column that best fits the field.

The import process takes a few seconds to a many minutes depending on the number of customers.

Also watch this video:

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