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Advanced Counts: Mapping

Use an interactive map to select a group of voters for a count

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over a week ago

In addition to using database filters for creating Advanced Counts selection criteria, voters may be selected using an Interactive Map which supports multiple polygon selection sets for turf-cutting, multi-colored pins for Party Affiliation, and detailed household voter information (updated April 2022).

Advanced Counts Interactive Map window

From Tools > Advanced Counts, go to Geography and drag Custom Geography into a New Group box to load the Interactive Map interface in a new window within the Advanced Counts page.

Dragging Geography > Custom Geography into New Group box
  • The map area will initially load into the state area for your assigned user geography. Use the Zoom tool at the bottom of the map to select an area to select your voters.

    Interactive Map zoom tool
  • Use View Districts to observe boundaries for Congressional, State Senate, and Legislative (State House) districts when district shapes are provided. The selected district boundary will be shaded and retained when zooming into the mapping area (added July 2022).

  • Voter Count and Voters Shown results will be automatically updated a few seconds after zooming into an area. Up to 2,000 voter pins may be displayed in the map area, but any voter count can be added to your Advanced Count criteria.

    Voter pin selection in Interactive Map
  • Voter households will appear as colored pins in your selected area. Pin colors are determined by the Calculated Party for the first household member:

    • Red: Hard or Weak Republican

    • Purple: Swing Voter

    • Blue: Hard or Weak Democrat

  • Click on a voter pin to view details of the first household member. Select the voter name link to load the voter's details in a separate browser tab or window.

    Interactive Map tools
  • Mapping tools include:

    • Hand: use the Hand tool to move around the map area

    • Circle: draw a resizable Circle around an area of voters

    • Polygon: click a point on the map and drag the pointer to a different map area, and continue to add new points until you release your mouse button, when the map area will be filled and your voters selected.

    • Rectangle: draw a resizable rectangle around an area of voters

    • Eraser: remove all shape selections added to the map

    • Full Screen: toggles the full screen view; select Esc to exit the full screen view

  • Draw other shapes in the map for selecting other voter groups to include in your voter list.

  • Select Save to add your selected voters into your Advanced Counts criteria as Custom.

Advanced Counts Custom Geography criteria
  • Select Cancel to return to the Advanced Counts interface without adding voter criteria.

  • Use your web browser's Print function (CTRL + P) to print your map selections.

When exporting a voter list, use the Walk List style to include separate field values for precincts and addresses to sort for targeted voter contacts.

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