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Massachusetts Classes
MA course info
23 articles
Are you a licensed MA real estate school? Are your online classes approved by the Massachusetts Real Estate Board?
How can I get in touch with the MA real estate board?
Should I take the salesperson class or the broker class?
Do asynchronous on demand classes/study modules count towards your class time?
Can I take more than 19 hours of on demand time?
Do practice exams/questions count towards my 19 hours of on-demand time?
My timer says "On Demand Limit Reached." What does that mean?
How do I see how many hours of live classes and on demand classes I've taken?
What are live instructor interaction times?
I finished all of the class topics but still have some of my 40 hours left. What gives?
Do I have to complete my 40 hours to receive my certificate of completion and candidate bulletin?
Can I extend my MA license course access after it expires?
Attorney and law student Massachusetts real estate licensing
How do I renew my Massachusetts real estate license?
How do I get my CE certificate of completion?
For how long is my Continuing Education certificate valid?
Should I upload copies of my CE certificates when I renew my Massachusetts license?
The system still shows that I have time remaining to complete in a continuing education class. I think I am done. Why is this happening?
Can I extend my MA CE class access?