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Company Admin Settings

This article will give you an overview of what to expect on the company settings page and a breakdown of what each settings tab covers.

Written by Lydia Lewis
Updated over a year ago

What Does This Article Cover?

  • This article will give you an overview of what to expect on the company settings page and a breakdown of what each settings tab covers.

Loom Walkthrough

  • Please see a video walkthrough of the company settings page below.

Where Can I Find Company Settings?

  • Company admins can find their settings page here or on the far right hand side of the Dashboard menu under the “settings" tab.

What Are The Different Settings Options On This Page?

Company Profile

  • Your company profile page will give you the opportunity to adjust your company name, add to or adjust your available company domain(s), and update your company logo.


  • Here, you can adjust which locations are available for your team to book. Locations that are turned off will not show up on the Gable map as available for your team.

  • This is a good choice for removing areas of the map where you have a company headquarters and don’t want people booking other workspaces.

Billing & Plans

  • In the billing & plans section you can add a credit card, update your billing email, or purchase a billing plan.

  • If you’re a company partner of ours and already have invoicing set up with our team, you can disregard this page.

Invite Teammates

  • From here, you can invite teammates individually, via comma separated emails, or by copying an invite link and sending it out to your team. You can see our help article here on the different ways to invite your teammates.

  • (Hint: these are the same invite options that can be found on the user's tab).


  • On this page you have three integrations options. Please see in depth support articles for each integration here: HRIS, Slack, and SSO.


Here you can adjust booking, budget, and approval settings. These setting will help to manage how much your employees are booking within workspaces and how much they are spending.

Booking Settings

  • Allow all users to reserve meeting rooms

    • This allows for users with the Administrator or Booker role to reserve meeting rooms on Gable.

  • Allow all users to reserve multiple seats

    • This allows users with the to reserve multiple seats in common spaces regardless of their role.

  • Allow admins/bookers to book on behalf of other users

    • Company admins and bookers will be able to book spaces on behalf of other users.

  • Require personal payment method for bookings

    • This will require your employees to provide a payment method of their own when booking. If you have a company invoicing plan or a company payment method on file, this should be turned off.

  • Enable all locations for admins/bookers

    • Allow bookers and administrators to view and book all Gable spaces, regardless of location settings that are set.

Budget Settings

  • Company Limit

    • Company limit will allow you set an overarching cap on your company's spend on a weekly or monthly basis.

  • Department Limit

    • Department limit will allow you to control spend based on your team's departments. Your sales team for example may need more budget than your engineering team for workspace.

    • You can put up those guardrails using the department based limits.

  • Employee Limit

    • Similarly, employee limit will allow you to control spend on an individual basis. You can control individual spend by either a budget limit per week or month or a seat limit per week or month.

**Please note that budget settings work on a hierarchy. For example, if there is a budget set for the whole company at $5,000 and this budget is already capped, employees will not be able to use the remainder of their budget regardless of what they have not spent.

Approval Settings

  • Require Admin Approval

    • This will require admin approval for every single booking placed by your company's users, no matter the price.

  • Allow Crossing Usage Limit With Approval

    • This will require admin approval when one of your company's users tries to place a booking that will cross the given budget limit set for that time period.

  • Request Admin Approval Over a Certain Price

    • This will require admin approval when one of your company's users tries to place a booking over the price limit set in the text box right below.

Still Have Questions?

  • Please reach out to if you have any questions about this article and the contents it contains!

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