Dispatch Data Export
Using the data export feature, you can export select fields into from dispatch events. The fields that can appear in the export are:
Event Title
Event Date
Event Type
Reported Time
Lead Responder
Dispatch Category
Reported By
Incident Area
All fields from the “Dispatch Details” section
Staff Name, Dispatched & Arrived from the “Staff Dispatch” section
Incident Report the event is linked to (if any)
To access the data export, click on Dispatch > Dispatch Data Export from the side navigation.
Choose the start and end date ranges for your export.
Enter the email address the export should be sent to.
Choose the event type you wish to export. The default setting is “All”.
Click “Export” to generate your export. You’ll then receive a confirmation message that the export is in progress. Depending on the date range and size of the export, it could take several minutes or longer to receive the email. The file will be in .csv format.