Clients Age Groups

How to create age groups of our customers and then automate dynamic rates.

Updated over a week ago



In this section we can create different age groups to segment our customers. These age groups can be used to create our dynamic rates based on the age of the client.

Golfmanager, when calculating the correct price, will look at the configured rules and the date of birth of that client. Therefore, for these rules to work, it is vitally important that the date of birth of that customer is filled in.

It is very common in social fields that the maintenance fees go up as the member gets older. Or that reservations have special prices for juniors or seniors.


To create an age group, let's follow these simple steps:

  • Name: We will define the name for this age group, for example "Junior" for people under 18 years old.

  • Minimum Age: Numeric field. We will insert the minimum age, in this case 0.

  • Maximum Age: Numeric field. We will insert the maximum age, in this case 17. Note that this number is inclusive. That is to say, if you want the Junior to be considered an adult from the age of 18 years old, here you must enter 17.

You can now create a dynamic rate in a product for this age group and check if everything is working correctly.

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