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Exchange rates

We will learn how to change the exchange rate of our currencies.

Updated over a week ago



In this page we can determine the exchange rate for each of our currencies. This way, when operating at the POS and wanting to pay with another currency, Golfmanager will use this exchange rate to show the correct final amount.


Creating an exchange rate is very simple:

  • Currency. We will choose the currency. Previously we must have created it in invoicing/currencies.

  • Exchange rate. We will put the desired exchange rate. Depending on the currency, sometimes it is more convenient to use the field below. To use one of the two is enough.

  • Date. We will put today's date to leave recorded in the system each ticket, exchange rate and date of "last change of currency rate".

To activate in the POS the payment method of other currencies it is necessary to add the advanced option: billing.multiCurrencyPOS. In addition to this, since working with other currencies is very complex, we will also have to activate the advanced option billing.idCurrencyPaymentMethod, defining our local effective payment method. To learn more about these advanced options read the complete advanced options article.

If you have any questions you can connect with our support team through the chat bubble.

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