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Payments list

Consult all payments generated in the system.

Updated over a week ago




In this list we will see all the collections or payments created in the system. Unlike sales or bookings, collections are unalterable. Once they are created, there is no way to delete them. To cancel a collection, the system will force you to create a new negative collection. When you delete a collection, it is always done with the same payment method with which the original payment was made.

As in any listing, you can use the tools to better exploit your data: filter, search, export, import, etc.

Special button in the payment list. Change payment method

This is the only way you can change the payment method of a charge without canceling tickets or cancelling the sale.

From the POS you have the option to cancel the ticket and generate it again with the appropriate payment method, but this is the favorite option for many when changing the payment method.

To change the payment method of a collection follow these steps:

  1. Go to Listings > Payments.

  2. Search and select the bill that you want to change the payment method by clicking on its ID.

  3. Click on Change payment method. A pop up will open.

  4. Select in the drop-down the Form of payment.

  5. Click on Change.

Detail of a collection. General Section

To access the detail of any of our collections, you can go to Listings > Collections and click on the ID of the desired collection. In this first section you will find the general section with the following fields:

  • ID: Unique identifier of this collection in your database.

  • Sale: ID of sale, cart or delivery note to which this collection belongs.

  • Description: Default description that usually consists of product name, date, resource and customer name.

  • Product: Name of the product with which this charge has been paid.

  • Customer: Customer or contact in the database that has paid this charge.

  • Tariff: Here you will find what special rate was used when calculating the price of this sales line. Very useful to track the reason for a price.

  • Promotional code: Promotional code used by the customer when purchasing this sales line.

  • Date of use: Date on which this charge will be enjoyed. For a store product it is usually the same as the creation date, but for a booking, lesson or receipt, the date is usually the game date, the day of the lesson or the date of the receipt respectively.

  • Cashbox: Here you will see the cashbox that the user had open at the time of the receipt.

  • Collective: Here you will see the customer's collective, useful for future reports and listings.

  • Payment method: Payment method used at the time of collection.

  • Online: Here we will see if this sales line originated online or not, useful for reports and listings.

  • Gateway Transaction ID: Here we will see the transaction code of the payment gateway used (Stripe, Redsys, etc.) and can be useful for tracking payments.

Detail of a payment. Status Section

In this section we will see some useful fields to study the status of a collection:

  • Canceled: Here you will see if this collection is canceled or not. When a collection is generated, the system issues a ticket. When you want to cancel a ticket, unlike a sale that goes to canceled status, you have to issue a negative ticket. If in this field we see a "Yes" it means that this collection has been canceled with another negative collection.

  • Ticket: A collection must always be associated to a ticket (simplified invoice) or to an invoice. If this field has a value, it means that this collection is associated to that ticket number. If it is empty, it means that the collection has been associated to an invoice (next field).

  • Invoice: A collection must always be associated to a ticket (simplified invoice) or to an invoice. If this field has a value, it means that this collection is associated to that invoice number. If it is empty, it means that the collection has been associated to a ticket (previous field).

Detail of a collection. Amount section

  • Units: Number of units paid with this charge.

  • Price: Amount of the charge, without discounts and including taxes.

  • Discount: Amount of discount in this charge, tax included.

  • Total: Final amount paid, tax included.

Detail of a collection. Other Section

  • ID on which it depends: This field, together with the "object it depends on" field helps you identify where a charge comes from: from a booking, from a fee, etc. The "object it depends on" is the table in the program that originated the charge, for example the most common is bookings.reservation and means that this charge was created from a booking. The ID would be the identifier in that booking list.

  • Dependent object: As we have seen in the previous point, it is the table in the database that originated this charge. The most common ones are:

    • activities.inscription: It was created from a registration to an activity.

    • billing.voucher: It was created from a voucher.

    • billing.voucherRecharge: It was created from a voucher recharge.

    • bookings.reservation: It was created from a booking.

    • golfdirecto: Created from a tournament registration.

    • recurring.membershipClient: It was created from a fee receipt.

    • school.class: It was created from a class.

    • school.course: It was created from a course.

    • transfer.transfer : It was created from a transfer.

  • Remarks: The system will export the notes you have added to the sales line to the remarks of this collection. It is useful to add notes that will help you in the future.

Detail of a collection. Custom Fields section

Some plugins need to create custom fields in certain tables to collect all the information necessary for proper operation. In this section all these fields will appear in addition to all those that the club has created in a customized way.


How to change the cashbox of a payment

If for some reason you have to modify and change the cashbox of a payment, first you have to cancel the payment of the wrong cashbox, change to the correct cashbox and make the payment in the new cashbox, to do this follow these steps:

1º. Go to Listings > Sales and identifies the sale with the help of the search engine and filters, enters in the line of sale doing Click in the ID, once inside, Click in the field See in POS.

2º. Click on Cancel the collection (button located to the right of the numerical keyboard).

3º. Change cash register (to change cash register, click on the blue icon in the upper right corner).

4º. Make the payment again with the desired cashbox.

(Don't forget to change again to your correct cashbox).

Partial refund of an online payment

The partial refund of a sale paid by Stripe or Redsys is only done manually and not automatically. In the case of trying to make a partial cancellation the system will warn us that it is not possible to perform the operation. To make a partial refund follow these steps:

  1. Click on Settings Menu > Stripe or Redsys > General > Disable refund on cancellation and return to the POS to cancel the desired lines.

  2. Open a new tab in your browser, go to your Stripe or Redsys channel and follow the steps to make the partial refund or desired amount.

  3. Once the manual refund has been done both in Golfmanager and in the payment gateway, go back to your payment gateway settings (Stripe or Redsys) in Golfmanager and check the refund on cancellation box again.

  4. Save the payment gateway settings.

Manual refund of an online payment (when cancelling a booking)

If a player cancels a booking online, in Golfmanager you don't have to do anything, the booking is already cancelled and the system shows a negative refund, but if you don't have the automatic refunds activated you will have to refund the payment manually, to make the manual refund follow these steps:

Access your Stripe payment gateway.

Access your Redsys payment gateway and follow the steps to refund the sale. To see the sale id go to settings > redsys > transactions.

Log in to your Blue payment gateway and follow the steps to refund the sale.

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