Cash Movements

Know all the money coming in and going out of your cashier

Updated over a week ago




In Golfmanager we register all the money that comes in and goes out of your cashbox so you can balance it at the end of your shift. These inputs and outputs can be in two ways: cash receipts or cash movements. We explain the difference.

Note: As in any list, you can use the tools to better exploit your data: filter, search, export, import, etc.

Differences between a cash receipt and a cash movement.

  • Incoming payments. A collection for Golfmanager is the "real" money used to pay for a product or service. A charge will generate a ticket and, therefore, the obligation to declare VAT. For example paying a 100€ green fee with a card.

  • Cash movements. A cash movement is an inflow or outflow of money, which has not been generated from a charge, but which is necessary to take into account in order to balance your cash at the end of the shift. As it is not a collection, it will not generate a ticket and, therefore, no tax liability. Read the following section to learn about the different types of cash movements.

Types of cash transactions

  • Deposits: When you top up a customer's balance in the form of a deposit. For example, recharging 100€ to a customer's card.

  • Multi currency: When you have more than one currency active, the system "exchanges" the foreign currency for local cash. That is, imagine that a green fee costs 100€ (official currency) and you want to pay it with 500 Mexican pesos in cash. The system, what it does behind the scenes is, it creates a cash entry of 500 Mexican pesos in cash, creates a withdrawal of the corresponding amount in cash in euros, and uses that cash in euros to pay for the sale. If the sale was for a smaller amount, the exchange rate would be calculated in the official currency. In other words, the cash register at the end of the day will show 500 pesos in cash and 100 euros less in cash.

  • Tipping: There are clubs that bill tips, clubs that do not enter tips in the system and put them in the "pot", and other clubs that do not want to bill/charge for tips but want to leave them registered in the system. For the latter, every time an employee adds a tip to a ticket, the system will create a cash movement to be taken into account when balancing the cash register. For example payment 100€ + 10€ tip. It will generate a collection for 100€ and a cash movement of 10€ without tax obligation.

  • Cash entries and withdrawals: The user, during his shift, will be able to enter or withdraw cash at his cash desk. He/she will have the possibility to add the reason for this cash entry or withdrawal. For example, to pay for a mail delivery, for gasoline, because the administration gives us change, etc.

  • Withdrawal at closing: When the user closes his cash register at the end of the shift he has to say how much cash he is going to leave in the cash fund. The rest will be withdrawn to the safe. Well, this withdrawal of cash to the safe will generate a cash movement.

Detail of a cash movement. General section

To access a cash movement go to Home Menu > Listings > Cash movements, find the desired movement and click on its ID to open the detail. These are the fields you will find:

  • ID. Unique identifier of the database of this cashbox movement.

  • Ticket: If this cashbox movement is related to a ticket, either because it is a tip or multi-currency, here you will see the identifier of that ticket.

  • Cash desk: Name of the cash desk that has made this cash movement.

  • Type: Here you will see the cause that originated this movement. You can see the different options in this section.

  • Cash: Amount of cash that has entered or left the cash register.

  • Card: Amount of card that has entered or left the cash register.

  • Form of payment: Form of payment that has entered or left the cash register.

  • Remarks: Here you can read comments added to this cash movement. These comments can be created by the user or automatically by the system.


Where to see the tips?

If you want to see the tips you have several options:

  1. From the Cashbox, if you select Movements, you will be able to see in the column 'Observations' the tips.

  2. From the Settlement Report, you can also access this list by selecting the word Cash in blue.

  3. When you download it in excel, you will see it in the list.

Configuring and using the Tips option

This article comes to explain how to configure and how the tips section works.

  1. Go to Settings Menu > General Settings > Advanced

  2. Do a search to confirm if the configuration is created or not: go to its help article > billing.enableTipping.

  3. From the POS and at Finish, in the field Tips you put the amount that the customer leaves you.

  4. The total amount to be paid will be automatically updated according to the tip added.

  5. Once the form of payment is marked, the system will make a deposit in the cash register for the amount that corresponds to the sale, and will add a cash movement with the tip. In this way the cash register user will be able to balance his cash at the end of the day.

    NOTE: if there are 2 or more payment methods, the tip must be added at the end of the last payment method.

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