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Down payments

Find out how deliveries on account work and consult all of them.

Updated over a week ago




A down payment is a payment that has not been fully accounted for. It is like setting aside money for later use.

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Deliveries on account can be generated in two different ways:

  • Delivery on account from the POS

  • Delivery on account from an advanced option

Delivery on account from the POS

  1. Go to the POS.

  2. Add an item to the cart.

  3. Click Finish. The payment popup will open.

  4. You will see that the "Amount to pay" field defaults to the same amount as the total price of the cart. This is because by default the system understands that you want to pay everything. Modify this amount and set a lower amount.

  5. Select the payment method "Cash" for example.

  6. You will see a new button that says "Leave as delivery on account". Click on it.

  7. Under the cart total you will see the amount you have left as a down payment and the amount still to be paid. You are now done with the delivery on account. At the moment the system has not generated any ticket, but the payment is associated to this sale for later use.

  8. You could do this step at any time, but continue by clicking on "Finish". The payment popup will open again.

  9. Notice that there is a down payment and an amount left to pay. Click again on the payment method "Cash" for example. At this point the system will take the money from the deposit and, together with the second payment, generate an official ticket for the total amount. The system will issue the new ticket with both forms of payment, inheriting the same form of payment with which the payment on account was made.

Delivery on account with the advanced option billing.paymentAfterUseDate

This advanced option means that when you pay for a booking for future days, instead of generating a ticket with today's date, the system saves it as "delivery on account". On game day you will have to "settle it" to make the payment and the ticket official by checking in the booking or from the POS by clicking Finish. This option is enabled when you want to always have the same date as the date of service. In Golfmanager we do not recommend this option unless it is strictly necessary, because it takes a lot of time to look for cashier's mismatches.

Detail of a delivery on account. General section

You will be able to access the detail of a delivery on account from Listings > Deliveries on account and clicking on the desired record. The details you will find within a delivery on account are:

  • ID: Unique identifier of this delivery on account in your database.

  • Sale: Identifier of the sale in which this delivery on account was made. If you enter this cart you will be able to consult, delete the delivery on account, or complete the payment.

  • Cash register: Identifier of the cash register that generated this delivery on account, necessary to be able to balance the cash register at the end of the shift.

  • Customer: Contact who made the delivery on account.

  • Payment method: Payment method used to make the delivery on account. When you complete the payment, the system will use this same form of payment for the new ticket.

  • Amount: Amount of money delivered on account.

  • User: System user who generated the payment on account.

  • Canceled: Describes the status of this delivery on account. If it is cancelled it means that this delivery on account has already been used to complete the payment. If it is not cancelled, it means that the deposit is still active and waiting to be used to complete the payment. It is money that you have in the club, but it has not been official yet.

  • Delivery to account that cancels: In case it is a delivery to account movement that takes the money out of "deliveries to account" and uses it to complete the payment, here we will see what is the identifier of the original delivery to account.

  • Date: When the delivery on account entry or exit was made.

  • Notes: Observations of this delivery on account generated by the system.


How to cancel a delivery on account

If you have made a delivery on account and you know that the payment is not going to be completed, either because you are going to return the money to the customer or you want to convert the delivery on account into a deposit... you will need to cancel the delivery on account.

To cancel the delivery on account follow these steps:

  1. Go to the POS, to the sale that contains the delivery on account. You can get to it from many places:

    1. From the booking plan.

    2. From the sales list

    3. From the list of deliveries on account

  2. Click on the button Return delivery on account that you must have created earlier. To create POS buttons read the following article.

  3. Click on OK.

At this point the system will:

  • Will create a negative delivery on account transaction with the same form of payment as the original delivery on account, thus canceling the first delivery on account.

  • A cash outflow will be generated in the user's cashbox, which can then be returned to the customer or used to convert into income for the club.

  • The sale will remain unpaid, so the user will have to decide how to proceed (cancel or pay).

  • If you don't have the button delivery to account consult follow these steps:

    • Click on General Settings

    • Click on POS

    • Select POS Buttons or Edit POS Buttons.

    • Click on Add POS buttons or the plus symbol "+".

    • Create the button with the Cancel payments on account command.

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