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Notes of the day

See all the notes written by your team.

Updated over a week ago


  • Section: Main Menu> Listings/Bookings > Notes of the day



A note of the day is a very useful tool in Golfmanager that allows someone from your team to leave a note to the rest of the team to be well informed. For example "The new buggies are coming today" or "The president is coming today", "The trophies from Sunday's tournament are arriving today. Take the money out of the cash box".

As with any listing, you can use the tools to better exploit your data: filter, search, export, import, etc.


How to create a note of the day

  1. At the top right of your screen, in the header, click on the Notes Blog icon. A popup will open.

  2. Click on New.

  3. Type the Text of the note.

  4. Select the Date when you want to add the note.

  5. Select the Time if necessary.

  6. Optionally select a Background color for this note. Set it to red for example if you want it to stand out from the others.

  7. Click on Save.

  8. The result is that the window will close, you can navigate to the day you left the note, and you will see that the note blog icon at the top right has a notification with the number of notes for that day. Clicking on the note blog will open a popup with all the notes for a day.

How to consult a note of the day

Option 1

  1. Click on the notes blog in the upper right corner of your screen and

  2. Select the date you want to view. On that day you will see the details of your note.

Option 2

  1. Go to Main Menu > Listings > Notes of the day.

  2. Find the desired note.

  3. Click on the ID to see the note detail.

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