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Downloading Training Records

Use HandsHQ's Training Register to quickly download a personnel's training records

Lauren Carter avatar
Written by Lauren Carter
Updated over a week ago

You can either download the record directly from that person's file in the Personnel tab or download a team's records from a HandsHQ RAMS.

From the Personnel page

Simply find the person you need (our search function may be helpful here) and click into their training record.

Then click on the button on the right to download their report.

TIP: If you are one of our Premium Training Register clients, you can even choose to download the full history of a person's training - including previous expired training, helping to demonstrate experience and long-held competence.

You'll be provided with an easy-to-read pdf version of all that person's existing training and certification.

Note: The ability to remove the "powered by HandsHQ' branding is available on our Premium TR subscriptions. Please get in touch with our support team if you are interested in this capability

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