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How to set your preferred contact details

You can set your preferred preferences for receiving course-related notifications.

Michele de Bes avatar
Written by Michele de Bes
Updated over 2 months ago

To set your preferred contact email address, go to your Avatar and select My Account.

Drop down menu from Avatar with My Account menu item highlighted.

You will see your profile details, including Contact details where you can set your preferred contact email address (Email me at) and add a Mobile number.

Note: Password related messages will always be sent to your Account login email.

How to set an Email me at address

Add your preferred contact email address under Email me at.

Adding an address for Email me at is purely optional. If you don’t specify a contact address (and select to receive emails) notification emails will be sent to your Account login email address.

Note: If you're not able to edit Email me at, your organisation may have chosen to disable this option. Check with your organisation’s support team.

Screenshot of My Account with the Profile tab selected, and contact forms for Name, Login details and Contact details.

Tip: Remember to tick It’s OK to send me: Emails.

How to verify your Email me at address

When you add a new email address (please check it carefully), you will see a warning message that the address is not verified and Verify now. You must complete the verification step before any messages will be sent to the new address.

Screenshot showing the Contact details form and the Verify Now link highlighted beneath the Email me at form field.

Select Verify Now and you will see a pop-up. Select Get code. Then, in a separate browser tab or app, check your email account. A message containing the verification code should arrive within a couple of minutes.

Verify Now modal with the Get Code button highlighted.

Copy and paste the code or type it into the verification pop-up and select Verify. If the code is correct, the pop-up will close and your email address will show as verified.

What to do if you don’t receive a verification email message

Check your email account spam or junk folder. If you can’t see anything there, check you have entered a valid address.

If you still do not receive a verification email, see Why am I not receiving emails for other options.

How to add a Mobile phone number

Adding a mobile number is purely optional. Select the Mobile field to enter your preferred mobile phone number.

Form field showing a drop down for the country code, followed by the prefix 021 and a blank field to enter a phone number. Below is a link to verify the number.

Tip: Remember to tick It’s OK to send me: SMS messages.

When you have entered a number (please check it carefully), you will see a warning message that the address is not verified and an option to Verify Now.

Select Verify Now and you will see a pop-up. Select Get code. Check your phone for a text message. A message containing the verification code should arrive within a couple of minutes.

Pop-up modal showing the verification step described.

Copy and paste the code or type it into the input field in the verification pop-up and select Verify. If the code is correct, the pop-up will close and your mobile number will show as verified.

What to do if you don’t receive a verification text message

Check you have entered a valid phone number. If you made an error, re-enter a valid number and repeat the verification step.

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