A private support channel allows learners to talk directly, and privately, with their course facilitator(s) and can be turned on as part of activating a course in the details tab. This feature needs to be enabled by your account owner using the 'iQualify Settings' in their profile. The settings for Talk channels are listed under 'feature settings' area. Here they can also change the name of the channel if required.
Once a course offering has been activated, the Private talk channel can be accessed through the Talk icon from the left navigation menu.
Learners can initiate private conversations with their facilitators at any stage during their course.
Note: Facilitators cannot start private conversations with learners.
Learners and facilitators are alerted to new posts by a notification next to the Talk icon in the main course navigation (see the image below). Learners and facilitators can also subscribe to email updates.
Facilitators can also filter messages to hide posts that have been read or responded to.
Note: Learners can view the Private channel once a facilitator has been added to the course. All course facilitators can view messages that learners post in the Private talk channel. Learners cannot view other learner's posts in this channel.