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Navigating your course

If you’re a learner, you can access help, navigate your course, or search for what you need quickly.

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over a week ago

In-app support

If you need help and you're working on your desktop computer, scroll to the bottom right of your screen and click the magnifying glass icon. Here you can search for articles in the iQualify Knowledgebase using the Search articles field. These articles consist of step by step instructions to show you how to use the tools and features in iQualify.

Image showing LEARN dashboard with magnifying glass icon

You can also access the Knowledgebase by selecting Help under your avatar. This method works on both your desktop computer and mobile phone.

Image showing My Account menu on LEARN dashboard with Help menu

General course navigation

When you're in the course you will see a side navigation bar. This may look slightly different depending on how your individual course is set up. On a mobile device this can be opened by a burger menu in the bottom left corner.

Image showing the side navigation bar and mobile device burger menu to access side naviagtion

At the bottom of each page you can use the arrows to move backwards and forwards through the pages of your course. The up arrow allows you to go back to the top of the page. You may also have a phone symbol. Click this to see your organisation's support info.

Image showing the navigation button along with back to top and organisational support button


The contents menu is another useful way to explore your course. Opening the Contents menu allows you to see the sections, subsections and pages your course is made up of. You can click on a page in the contents menu to go directly to it.

Image showing the content menu of the course

You can also expand sections and subsections by clicking on the down arrow and condense them using the up arrow.

Each page has a time indicator that has been allocated by the course author. These times are a guide as to how long it will take you to read a page and do any tasks. 

Unread pages are in bold and will show the time allocated to that page, for example 8m. Pages that have been visited will have Visited next to them.

If you have read all the pages in a section or subsection the heading for this will turn grey to show all the pages in it have been viewed.

The page you were on when you open the Contents menu is indicated by an arrow. To get back to this page select the arrow, or use your browser's back button if you have navigated to a different page.

You can search your course to find a particular term or to find something you have previously read. Our search is smart and aims to present all relevant results. For example if you search for orbit, it also presents results for orbits and orbital.

Select Search on the side navigation menu and enter the word(s) you're looking for. Here is an example of how the result will look.

Image showing the search menu of the course

The number of results returned are displayed at the top of the page with a maximum of 10 results per page. Results on pages that you haven't read yet will have a bold link and pages that have already visited will have a Read label next to them and the link will be grey.

You can jump straight to the page the results are on by clicking the page link.

To get back to your course click on the back browser button.

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