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Week-by-week course template

Find out the structure of the week-by-week template so you can see if it's for you.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 10 months ago

This template is set up with resources, tasks and semi-structured online group discussions.

This template is for you if...

  • You have existing resources, your course could be structured week-by-week and want to build as you go.

  • You'd like to use a model where learners read/watch resources (with an active-learning task), then try out some practice tasks at different levels.

  • Your context (learners + course content) would benefit from some semi-structured online discussion of ideas.

Here's the structure for this template.

Image showing the list of content in the course


As with all our templates, this template is entirely customisable. You can change all the text, tasks and images to suit your particular context.

For instructions on where to find these templates, check out How to use a template.

If this particular template isn't quite right for you, why not check out our full list of iQualify templates, or, create your own!

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