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Study plans

Authors can create a study plan to show when sections and tasks open, weightings for assessed tasks, and due dates.

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over a week ago

This article covers tasks. If you’re using a legacy course check out How to create a study plan. Not sure if you are using a legacy or tasks course? Read our article to find out.

As an author you may have a plan for how your course should be delivered and at what pace. The study plan in Create allows you to set up relative dates that will automatically flow through once the start date is chosen when activating the course.

Here you can also give assessed tasks a weighting (up to a total of 100%).

How to set up a study plan

View the study plan by clicking Study plan from the top navigation when you're editing your course.

Screenshot showing Study plan highlighted in the horizontal menu.

Here you will see all sections and any tasks or quizzes that are contained within your course.

Set a default course length for the course

The default course length is set to 30 days (or 5 days after the 'last' task or quiz is due). You can change the default course length for the course by clicking on pencil icon.

Stagger opening dates for individual sections

Click on the pencil icon to edit. All courses begin on “Day 1". Enter the day on which you want the section to open, relative to this. For example, you can set a section to open at the beginning of the second week by entering “Day 8”.

Please note: The first section always opens on Day 1, and once a section opens it can't close until the end of the course. However, you can still select the individual opening day for Assessed tasks in this section.

Screenshot highlighting how to edit the opening date for the assessment Star stuff.

Set start dates and due dates for tasks and quizzes and set task and quiz weightings

Click on the pencil icon by each assessed task or quiz to edit.

Under Customise dates for this task In the "Opens beginning of" section choose day and enter the day relative to the beginning of the course when the task or quiz can be accessed. In the “Closes/Due end of” section, enter the day relative to the beginning of the course when the task or quiz will be due.

Screenshot showing the Study plan modal with the Weighting field selected.

What happens next

Each time the course is activated, and an actual Start Date is chosen, these relative dates will automatically flow through and be used by iQualify to determine the dates of the rest of the events in the course. These can be edited by the person setting up the course, but are a great way to automatically set dates with the right time-frames on a course each time it’s activated, rather than doing it manually.

If the study plan is updated and republished any changes made will flow through to current activations of the course.

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