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How to make sure you receive iQualify emails

A troubleshooting guide for all roles to help ensure you get iQualify emails.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 3 months ago

No one likes spam. This is why many email providers set up rules about which emails make it to your inbox. If you want to receive emails from your learning provider, we want to make sure you can get them.

When you're not receiving emails, it's typically one (or more) of these reasons:

  1. Emails are being sent to an email account you're not monitoring.

  2. You haven't signed up for email notifications (or subscribed to the talk channel).

  3. Your email provider has blocked the email (or diverted it to junk or similar).

How to find the email associated with your account

First, let's confirm which email address(es) you have in your account.

Head to My Account from your Avatar.

rop down menu from Avatar with My Account menu item highlighted.

Under Profile check your Login email address (the email you are signed up with) and whether you have set a preferred contact email address (Email me at) which is where course-related emails will be sent.

Note: Emails about your account password will always be sent to your login email address.

How to check your junk folder

If you are not receiving any password or activity notification emails, then, check your junk/spam mail. Look for:

If you can't see iQualify in your list of safe senders, try to add our email address ( to your email contacts, your "allow list" , or add us as a "safe sender" β€” depending on what makes your email provider happy.

If the email you use for iQualify is an organisational email, you might need to email your own organisational IT help desk and ask:

Please could you add to our organisation's allow list? I need to receive emails from them to continue my work/learning.

How to opt in to email notifications

If you're receiving some emails, but not the ones you'd expect (for example tasks, replies to discussions etc.), potential issues may be:

  • You haven't yet opted into email notifications.

  • You may not have subscribed to a particular talk channel.

  • You may have set a preferred contact email you are no longer monitoring.

To opt into email notifications, head to My Account > Contact details > It's okay to send me > Emails:

Screenshot of My account showing the Profile tab, with fields for Name, Login details, and Contact details. with 'It's okay to send me emails' box ticked.

Note: You can manage your preferred contact email address at the same location by filling in the Email me at field.

How to subscribe to a Talk channel

To subscribe to a talk channel, select Talk in your left hand course menu, and then select the channel you wish to subscribe to. Once in that channel, click the Get email updates button.

Screenshot of a talk channel showing the Get email updates button.


Note: For Private channels (facilitator Support) you have to subscribe/unsubscribe individually, Apply to all channels is only applicable for Public channels.

Still having trouble?

At this point, it's best to reach out to your organisations' IT help desk as they'll know the ins and outs of your email system and should be able to make sure emails reach you. If details are needed, our support team can check whether emails were delivered to your email, or have bounced back etc.

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