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Vocational portfolio course template

Find out the structure of the Vocational portfolio template course so you can see if it's for you.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 10 months ago

The Vocational portfolio template is designed to gather evidence of skills. We've structured it to have just a few welcome pages and then a separate section for each skill area you might need learners to gather evidence for.

Welcome and orientation (section) with pages: Welcome, Gathering evidence of skills, Getting around the course, Get started. Skill area 1 (section) with pages: What's included in skill area 1?, How will I gather evidence of skill area 1?, Evidence of skill area 1

In the vocational portfolio template we've included tasks to support learners to think about what different things might "count" as evidence of skills or having met learning outcomes.

Learners then plan how they will generate or gather this evidence.

Below is an example task where learners can record a conversation (or their reflections) with their mentor/tutor/employer. Learners can listen back to their recording at any time to remind themselves of what they need to do.

Mentor conversation task: In this task, we'd like you to have a conversation with your tutor/mentor/employer. Use the questions below to guide your conversation.  What are your current skill levels in this area? Are there any issues you're having that you'd like to discuss? What resources or support do you need? What projects are coming up that would be a good chance to practice this skill and capture evidence of it? You can either record the conversation here, or just record your thoughts/notes after the conversation.

Next, learners can upload their evidence in this task below. In these file upload tasks learners can:

  • upload multiple files

  • upload files of a range of types (e.g. .docx, .pdf, .jpg)

  • upload files from their device (e.g. smart phone, tablet) or cloud storage (e.g. google drive, dropbox, onedrive)

  • save the task as draft and keep adding more evidence as they get it

Evidence of skills task: Upload evidence of [subskill].  This might include things like:  Your work - Images or videos of work you've completed that show this skill. Your process - Images or videos of work processes that best capture how you completed things. For example rough drawing or calculations. Your notes - Your thoughts or reflections on a particular project. You can save as draft and then keep adding evidence as you get it.

Finally, there is an example task to support learners to self assess. This may help them to realise they need more (or different) evidence.

Self assessment task: Use the matrix below as a self-assessment of your evidence for the learning outcome.  [Include additional details/examples to help learners self-assess.] With a matrix of Beginning, Competent and Expert.

This structure can then be repeated for each other skill area learners need to plan and gather evidence for.


As with all our templates, this template is entirely customisable. You can change all the text, tasks and images to suit your particular context.

For instructions on where to find these templates, check out How to use a template.

If this particular template isn't quite right for you, why not check out our full list of iQualify templates, or, create your own!

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