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Group Management

As an account owner you can create groups for messaging and reporting.

Michele de Bes avatar
Written by Michele de Bes
Updated over a week ago

Account owners have access to the User & Group Management area of iQualify settings. Group management allows you to create your own groups for messaging and reporting purposes. You can:

  • Create a group by uploading a CSV file.

  • Search groups by name and/or filter by whether groups are populated or not.

  • Edit and refresh your groups to keep them current.

  • Download data about your group as a CSV file.

  • Send messages to your group using the message function.

How to access Group Management

Select your avatar (profile icon) in the top right, and then choose iQualify settings.

Screenshot showing the drop down menu from the avatar (profile) image in the top right corner of iQualify.

Select User & Group Management from the left navigation menu.

Screenshot showing left menu when in iQualify settings with User & Group Management selected.

Select the Group Management tab to begin creating your group.

Screenshot showing User & Group Management with the Group Management tab selected.

How to search and filter

Search groups by name, and/or filter by whether groups are populated or not.

How to create a group

To create a group, select the button + Create Group.

Give your group a name, and select Create.

Screenshot of a group entitled New Group being created.

You will then be prompted to upload a CSV file to create a group list from. Select Upload CSV.

Note: Your CSV file needs to contain a header row named email_address. And all formatting needs to be removed from the CSV file before uploading it. See the example below.

You will then get a chance to check the learners in the group. To save the group, select the Update button.

How to view group details

To view your group, search for your group and/or select your group from the list of groups at the bottom of the screen.

Select the pencil icon on the group to open the details and options for that group.

From here you can edit the group, download data, or send a message.

How to edit group data

Edit group data using Replace CSV to upload an updated CSV with the new group data. Then select Refresh.

How to download group data

Download group data using the download icon (down arrow with underline) to download your groups’ data as a CSV file.

The information available will be what you uploaded e.g. First name, Last name, Email.

How to send a message to a group

Send a message to a group using the envelope icon. A form will display with Subject and Message fields.

Screenshot of the Send Message icon selected for the group called New Group.

When you're ready, select Send to email your message to the group.

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