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Job Email Communication

View & Track Emails Sent From a Job.

Updated over a week ago

The Email Communication feature in Klipboard allows you to view, manage, and export email correspondence related to a specific job.

To access email communication, navigate to the Job Overview and select the Email Communication tab of any job that is in Assigned, In Progress, Pending or Completed status. This will display a detailed record of emails sent for the job, including the following information:

  • Email Type – The category of the email.

  • Sent To – The recipient of the email.

  • Date Sent – The date the email was issued.

  • Date Delivered – The date the email was successfully delivered.

  • Date Opened – The date the recipient opened the email.

  • Sent By – The team member who sent the email.

  • Message – The email content.

If you need to send an email directly to your client, click the Email Client button to compose and send a message from the job. You can also export the entire history of email communications for the job by selecting the Export Email History button.

Our Email Communication feature provides transparency and an organised way to manage client interactions, helping you maintain clear records of all communications.

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