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JOB MANAGEMENT: Jobs & Scheduling
Job Scheduling, Job Status, Job Reports, Editing Jobs & More
17 articles
Completed Job to PendingMove a job from Completed status to Pending
Job Email CommunicationView & Track Emails Sent From a Job.
Create a New Job on The Web DashboardHow to Create and Assign a Job to a Team Member
Drag / Drop Scheduler & DispatchSchedule Jobs to your Field Team Members
Teams: Scheduling A Support Team To A JobSchedule Multiple Team Members to a Single Job
Create a Job for PPM Servicing of Client AssetsHow to Schedule a Job for Client Assets that are due Planned Servicing.
Create a Job for Reactive Maintenance on Client AssetsHow to Schedule a Job for Reactive Maintenance on Client Assets.
Unassigned JobsJobs That are Not Assigned to a Team Member
Assigned JobsJobs that are Assigned to a Mobile Team Member
In Progress JobsJobs that have been Synced to the Assigned Team Member's Mobile App and are In Progress
Pending JobsJobs that have been synced from the assigned team member's mobile app back to the web dashboard and are in pending status for review
Completed JobsJobs that have been approved and marked as complete by a team member on the web dashboard
Auto Archiving on Job Status GridsJob Grids (Assigned, In Progress, Pending & Completed) only displays Last 30 Days