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Create a New Job on The Web Dashboard

How to Create and Assign a Job to a Team Member

Updated over a week ago

Create a New Job

Jobs can be created for your mobile team members and scheduled for specific dates and times. These jobs are then sent to the team members in the field, who will sync them from the cloud using the Klipboard mobile app, so they know where to go and when. Alternatively, reactive jobs can also be created and assigned but not scheduled, to be completed when required.

You can create a new job on the web dashboard by navigating to Jobs > New Job, Clients > Select the Client in question > New Job or by pressing the Quick Create + button at the top left of your web dashboard menu.

All jobs are made up of a combination of the information displayed below, some of which are mandatory.

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General Information

The General Job Information contains high-level information, specific to the job in question, such as the Client, Location etc.

Any information that is already on Klipboard can be selected from the dropdown menus available, if the required information has not already been added to Klipboard, it can be added to any section with the + symbol visible.

Please see the below list of options, any option marked with * is mandatory, and required to create the job. Once all mandatory information has been added to the job, you can create the job at any time by pressing the Save & Finish button at the bottom of the screen.

  • Job Name* – This is the name of the job as it will be displayed on the Jobs list of your mobile team member.

  • Categories* – One or more categories can be selected when a job is created by selecting the required categories from the dropdown menu. To add an additional category, click on the plus symbol beside Categories, enter the name of the new Category to the side menu and press save. The Category is now available for selection. Categories are a filterable option on all job grids.

  • Job Due Date – Here you can enter the date and time that your jobs are due to be started or completed. Entering a job due date does not impact scheduled dates.

  • Client Purchase Order Number – Here you can add your Client Purchase Order number so it is associated with the job in question. Please be aware that this is not affiliated with Purchase Orders created in the Accounting section of Klipboard.

  • Client* – Here you can select the Client that the job is for, by clicking on the drop-down available and selecting the Client, if they are already on Klipboard, edit the Client information by clicking on the Pen icon or add a new client by clicking on the + icon and entering the required details to the side menu.

  • Location* – Once a Client is selected as above, the Location option will become available to use and the main location will be populated by default. Here you can select the Location that the job is to be carried out by clicking on the drop-down menu available and selecting the required Location, if they are already on Klipboard, edit the Location information by clicking on the Pen icon or add a new location by clicking on the + icon and entering the required details to the side menu.

  • Job Notes – This is where you can leave any important job notes for the field team member. These can be up to 4000 characters which is the equivalent of an A4 page. You can create a standardised template that is used as a basis when a new job is created by clicking on Setup Template. Job notes can also be displayed on the PDF output of your Workflow Forms.

  • Client Contract Agreement – If you have Contracts set up on Klipboard you can associate the job in question with a Contract by selecting the required Contract from the drop-down menu.

  • Client Contact – Here you can select the Client Contact associated with the job by clicking on the drop-down menu available and selecting the Contact in question if they are already on Klipboard, edit the Client Contact information by clicking on the Pen icon or add a new Client Contact by clicking on the + icon and entering the required details to the side menu.

Please note, within the Client Contacts option you can select relevant job communications for the contact. These communication options are displayed below:

Below the general job information, there are 6 tabs, some of which are unavailable until the mandatory selections of the general job information have been updated. The tabs in question are:

Of the 6 tabs displayed above, only the Workflow Forms tab contains mandatory elements for creating a job.

Schedule & Assign Jobs

This section contains important information with regard to the scheduling of the job in question. From here you can view the assigned mobile team members' calendar in week or month view, or display the calendar for business hours only if required.

  • Assign Team Member(s) – From this drop-down list, you can choose who would like to assign the job to from a list of your active team members.

  • Communication By switching the Send Client SMS Scheduled Job Notification toggle to yes, you can send text message reminders to clients of upcoming scheduled jobs. Please Note: SMS Text message notifications are currently available in the US, Canada, UK and Ireland on our Professional Plan. For other countries please contact us via the instant chat channel. For more information, please click here.

  • Calendar – By clicking on the required date and time for the job you can schedule the job for the assigned team member. If you choose to schedule the job, a sidebar will appear where you can specify the start/end date, and start/end time. You can make this job a recurring job by setting the duration and frequency of the recurrence i.e, the number of days, weeks months, years; and the frequency of the recurrence i.e., day, week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks 4 weeks, 1 month, three months, six months, year.

Add Support Team

As you have Teams as part of your Klipboard subscription you will be given the option to add a support team (please note the support team option will only be shown if the job is not recurring).

We will run some smart background algorithms and work out who is available according to the date and time you have chosen for the job. This ensures that your Support Team Members cannot be scheduled for jobs when they are already assigned to another job with the same date and time.

Available Support Team Members will be listed and can be assigned to the job as a Support Team Member. For further information on Teams please read the following article here.

Workflow Forms

Workflow Forms are digital forms that have been created for mobile Team Members to use on their Android or iOS Klipboard apps. These forms can be anything from industry-standard certificates to bespoke company job sheets. For more information on the Mobile Workflow Form Builder click here.

Please Note: A minimum of one Workflow Form must be completed on each job carried out on the Klipboard mobile app.

Mobile Workflow Forms

  • Select Form or Form Groups* – Here you can select from individual forms or a predetermined group of forms to use, specific to the job at hand. You can do this by choosing from the Form group dropdown menu or choosing the form(s) required for the job from your list of published workflow forms. By ticking on the Mandatory option, Mobile team members cannot complete the job unless the mandatory workflow form has been completed. For more information on Form Groups click here.

  • Copy From Previous: Here you can access the workflow forms from previously completed jobs at this location. A copy of the completed Mandatory Workflow Form that was completed on the previous job will be downloaded to the Mobile team members' device, where they can edit and update it as required. This does not change any data on the workflow form associated with the previous job.

  • Search Forms – If you know the name of the form you wish to add to the job you can search for it using the search bar provided.

There is no limit to the number of workflow forms that you can have associated with any given job. To view a video on creating Workflow Forms on Klipboard, please click here.

Product & Service Items

The Product and Service items tab lets you associate Products and Services from your Inventory to the job, add new Inventory items and also add or remove Quotes to the job. At the bottom of the page, you will be given a breakdown of the financials associated with the Job.

Please note: This is only applicable if you have our Quotes & Invoices feature as part of your subscription.

  • Associated Quote & Subject – Here you can associate a Quote from the Quotes section of Klipboard to the job at hand by selecting the Quote number from the drop-down available. Doing so will pull all Products and Services associated with the Quote into the job and populate the Quote subject to the subject bar. To remove the Quote from the job click on the Remove Quote button.

  • Add Item – You can add Products / Services from your Inventory to the job by clicking on the Add Item button and selecting the Product / Service Name from the dropdown menu. If the Product / Service is not already stored in your Inventory it can be added manually.

  • Associated Products / Services – All Products / Services associated with the job will be displayed here showing Product Code, Product / Service Name, Description, Account Code, Tax amount, Quantity, Unit Cost, Unit Sell & Id.

  • Financial Breakdown – At the bottom of the screen you will see the financial breakdown for the job in question. This will include the Total Cost, Total Sell, Tax & Total Due amounts. These amounts are calculated based on the figures associated with the line items above. Should any of the line items be removed the figures will be recalculated accordingly.

Please note: Only Products require a Product Code, Services do not require a code. For more information on the Inventory section please press here.

Job Photos & Documents

The Job Photos and Documents tab gives you the option to add as many PDF documents & photographs to the Job as you need, allowing your field team member to view them on the app when they are synced to their app.

Simply tick the boxes for the PDF documents & Photographs you want to attach to the Job.

  • Search Documents – Using the search bar provided, you can search through all of the Documents you have stored on Klipboard. For more information on storing Documents on Klipboard, please click here.

  • Upload Document – You can upload documents from your desktop by clicking on the Upload Documents button. Please be aware that only PDF, JPG, GIF, and PNG files are permitted and the maximum file size is 10Mb. If you require a Word or Excel file please save the files as a PDF prior to uploading.

  • Document Breakdown – At the bottom of the screen, you will see the Document breakdown for the job in question. This will include the Document Name, Associated Client, File Type & Category.

There is no limit to the number of Documents & Photographs that you can have associated with any given job. For more information on Documents, please click here.

Planned Maintenance

The Planned Maintenance tab will show you assets due servicing for the selected Client. For information on creating jobs for Planned Preventative Maintenance please read the following article here.

To select the Asset you wish to carry out the planned maintenance on, simply tick the box on the right-hand side of the screen, associated with the asset in question. Only Assets that have been put on a PPM schedule will be available for selection. For information on setting up a PPM schedule please click here.

  • Asset Name – The name given to the Asset.

  • Serial Number – Serial number associated with the Asset.

  • PPM Schedule – The name of the PPM schedule associated with the Asset.

  • Service Type – The service type associated with this Asset.

  • Last Reactive Service – The date of the last reactive service carried out on the Asset.

  • Last Planned Service – The date of the last client service carried out on the Asset.

  • Next Planned Service – The date of the next planned service for the Asset.

  • Reminder Sent – indicates if a reminder has been sent with regards to Asset service. Please be aware that notifications are sent to the contact associated with the Asset, not associated with the client. For more information on Asset Service reminders please click here.

Reactive Maintenance

The Reactive Maintenance tab shows you all assets at that client location upon which you can search and choose the appropriate asset/s for Reactive Maintenance. For information on creating jobs for Reactive Maintenance please read the following article here.

Reactive maintenance can be carried out on all assets associated with the client.

  • Asset Name – The name given to the Asset.

  • Serial Number – Serial number associated with the Asset.

  • Asset Location – Location associated with the Asset.

  • Client Asset Number – The Client Asset Number associated with the asset in question.

  • Last Planned Service – The date of the last planned service carried out on the Asset.

  • Next Planned Service – The date of the next planned service for the Asset.

  • Last Reactive Service – The date of the last reactive service carried out on the Asset.

Once you selected all the applicable elements for the job at hand, you can click on Save & Finish and the job will be saved to Assigned Jobs 😁.

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