In order for Live Tracking data to be sent to the Web Dashboard a mobile app team member must have the Klipboard app open or running in the background. This will ensure you can see their realtime GPS location.
To record their Travel and Job time against a Job and Timesheet, the mobile app team member must use the timer functionality on the app.
Please Note:
Each Timer is independent therefore you can choose to record travel and job time or only travel time or only job time.
When a team member opens a Job sent from the Web Dashboard they will see an option for BEGIN TIMER.
Selecting the timer option will generate a pop up with a timer.
To begin the timer, the team member simply selects Start Travel. The timer will begin and will continue even if the team member is not on the Klipboard app. Once a team member reaches their destination, they can select Arrived.Β
When the team member selects Start Travel and Arrived these details will be shared with the Web Dashboard and the team member's location will be shown on the Live Tracking map. Please note, the device will need to be connected to the internet in order for this data to be shared.
The exact same process works to record Job Time and Return Travel Time