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Create / Edit Purchase Orders

Create Purchase Orders, approve and send directly to your suppliers

Updated over a week ago

You can create and send a Purchase Order directly to a Supplier. Your Purchase order dashboard will show a history of all the Purchase Orders you have created with a high-level breakdown view of the number and status:

To create a new purchase order, simply select New Purchase Order you will be able to do the following:

  • Select a Supplier: Choose who the purchase order is for from a list of your suppliers.

  • Add a reference: A reference can be added to help trace the order.

  • Purchase Order Subject: Enter the subject of the order as your supplier should see it.

  • Disclaimer: This can be selected from your default selections. For more information click here.

  • Delivery Address: Here you can select if the order should be delivered to your address, your client's address, or another address of your choosing.

  • Ordered date: Set the date the order was placed

  • Delivery Date: Set the date the stock is due to be delivered

  • Select your Products & Services: You can set your standard Products & Services through the Inventory area for you to select when creating Purchase Orders or alternatively free type any Name & Description of a product/service.

  • To add further items to your list, press the "Add Line" Item button, and to remove one simply press Delete on the line item to remove it.

  • Save and Continue: This will save your progress allowing you to continue editing

  • Save: This will add a PO number to the Purchase Order and move the status to Draft.

    Once you are happy with the details of the Purchase Order, you can then do the following

  • Email to your Supplier and Mark as 'Sent': A copy of the Purchase Order will be sent as a PDF to your chosen Supplier's email address and appear on your dashboard as 'Sent' or 'Overdue' if the requested delivery date has passed. The email address will pre-populate based on the supplier information you have provided however you can add additional email addresses. You can also include an additional PDF document if you wish to send it to your supplier by choosing and uploading it.

  • Download as a PDF: A copy of the Purchase Order will be downloaded to your computer as a PDF

Purchase Orders Received

  • Mark as Delivered: When your Purchase Order, or part of your order, has been delivered to your chosen delivery address, you can select this action to set deliver status. A sidebar will appear showing the details of the Purchase Order line items. Here you can update the amount of each product you have received against the original quantity on the order. You can also have the items added to your Inventory so they update your current inventory count.

  • Download as PDF: A copy of the Purchase Order will be downloaded to your computer as a PDF

  • Archive Purchase Order: You can archive Purchase Orders that you no longer need visible in your list. Archived Purchase Orders can be viewed on the Purchase Order dashboard when the 'Show Archived' box is ticked. To unarchive a Purchase Order simply click View> Actions > Remove from Archive.

  • Convert To Quote: Purchase Orders can be converted into Quotes. The details in the Purchase Order will be automatically added to the Quote and you can mark the sell price accordingly.

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