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Copy Quote To Purchase Orders

Copy The Inventory Product Lines Items From Your Quote Directly To A Supplier Purchase Order or Multiple Supplier Purchase Orders

Updated over a week ago

Klipboard gives you the option to copy the line items from your Quote directly into a Purchase Order or multiple Purchase Orders, which can then be sent to the relevant Suppliers. This applies to Quotes in any status (Draft, Sent, Accepted or Won).

Our smart grouping means that your Quote product line items will be grouped by Inventory Supplier speeding up the process of creating the Purchase Order from the quote. For the grouping to work, an Inventory product has to be listed in your Klipboard Inventory with a Supplier associated - click here for Inventory information.

Once your Quote is accepted and Converted to a Job, the Purchase Order(s) created from this quote, will also add to the job automatically, saving you time and effort.

For information on how to add Suppliers to Klipboard, please click here

Copy A Quote To A Purchase Order

To create a Purchase order from a Quote, navigate to Accounting > Quotes > Press the View button beside your chosen quote.

With the Quote selected, press Actions > Copy to Purchase Order. This opens up a sidebar displaying all Suppliers with the product line item(s) associated with the quote.

Suppliers that are unknown or marked as Inactive on Klipboard will be grouped together and can be amended if required.

To view the product line item(s) associated with each Supplier, press the Show / Hide button as per below:

You can copy the product line item(s) by ticking the Create a Purchase Order for this Supplier box below the item list and pressing confirm.

This action will direct you to the creation of a new Purchase Order with the Supplier and the product line item(s) pre-populated. You have the ability to edit the Purchase Order prior to sending it to your Supplier. To learn more about creating a Purchase Order click here.

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