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Transfer to another race or event

Enable participants to transfer their entry to another race within an event, or another event in your portfolio, for a fee

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Written by LDT
Updated over a month ago

Spend more time on delivering a fantastic customer experience by using our transfer feature. It’s entirely self-serve for participants so once you’ve created the settings, they can do it themselves.

From their confirmation email they’ll be able to visit Manage Booking and transfer their entry to another event.

This help guide covers:

  1. Transfers to another race within an event

  2. Transfers to another event in your portfolio


Participants will be able to select Transfer from the list of options in Manage Booking, and will be taken to a list of events or races that are available for them to transfer to. They’ll see the cost of their previous entry discounted from the new ticket prices. If you’ve set up admin fees, they'll also show. The participant then selects the ticket they want, and goes through the booking form filling in any new form fields. As a default, if their new ticket is more expensive they will pay the difference. However if it’s cheaper, they will lose the difference. However, you can set up specific rules to not charge the admin fee in certain circumstances. Any admin fees will be charged on top of the ticket price, and their original booking will be cancelled as soon as they’ve paid and received their confirmation email. The participant's new entry will appear in their new event's startlist as ‘Confirmed’. If you click into their booking, you’ll be able to see their transfer history.

Setting up your transfer settings

If you want to enable transfers across all of your events

To enable transfers to another race or event across your whole portfolio of events, you can do this by navigating to your Dashboard Homepage > Settings > Participant Self-Serve.

If you enable transfers here, it will enable it for all of your events. You can go into each event individually and turn it off, or create individual settings. The idea here is to save time - e.g. if you would like transfers enabled for all of your events except one. You can first enable it across the board here, and then go into the specific event settings and disable transfers.

If you want to create specific transfer settings for each of your events

Choose the event from the Event List, then navigate to Participant Settings. Transfers is on the second tab, next to booking details.

Here, you can create individual settings for that event.

Transfer to another event, and Transfer to another race within an event are separated so you can enable one and not the other.

Admin fees and cut off times

Here you can set the admin fee, which includes the 6% Let’s Do This processing fee. You can also choose if there should be any exceptions to the admin fee being applied:

Set the cut-off time after which participants won’t be able to transfer (the button will show as disabled in their Manage Booking page, with the note ‘because the transfer deadline has passed’)

Creating specific ticket rules

  • You can set up specific rules as to which tickets can transfer to which over events/races or tickets using this custom rule card:

The example above is for transfers to another race within the same event. The default here is that all tickets can transfer to all other tickets. You can set a custom rule to allow say X ticket can only transfer to these 3 other tickets (for instance, excluding charity and children's tickets):

For setting up rules for which tickets can transfer to which other events in your portfolio (ie not limited to within the same event) you have a few more options:

Here you can select entire events (for ease) or drill down to the specific ticket level. For instance if you'd like your 10k tickets to only be able to transfer to other 10k tickets in your portfolio.

Giving credit for add-ons

You have the option to choose whether to automatically send the participant credit for the value of add-ons bought during checkout. Participants will receive credit for their add-ons, that they can put towards the cost of their transfer. Credit can be used towards tickets, add-ons and admin fees. This enables participants to buy their add-ons again. However, their credit is limited to this transfer so if it’s not used, it won’t be returned to them.

Credit will be sent to the participant via email. It will automatically apply at checkout, when they enter their email address.

  1. Add-on credit will only apply for this transfer

  2. Credit can be applied to the new ticket price, admin fees, booking fees and add-ons

  3. The original add-ons will not automatically show as cancelled in the Add-ons table, however the original booking will (as the image below). You will have to manually update the allocation and fulfilment status (if using these features). This is because that item may have already been fulfilled.

Credit will never be given for these types of add-ons:

  1. Where there is a payment split taking place to a third party provider (so you're not out of pocket) eg:

    1. Charity donation

    2. Insurance provider

    3. Registration provider

Credit will be given for all clothing, iTabs, misc add-ons, parking, booking form add-ons, and custom variants.

Transferring BTF passes

If a participant has bought a British Triathlon Federation pass with their original booking, they will not need to pay for another one. At checkout for their new race or event, they should add another pass to their basket and the system will automatically discount it at checkout. Their original pass is still valid with BTF for their new ticket, even if they're transferring to a completely different event on a different date and location. This will happen regardless of what settings you choose above (ie to give credit or not to give credit).

Some ticket types are automatically excluded from transfers

The Transfer option will be automatically disabled on the participant’s Manage Booking page if:

  • The participant has booked any of the following ticket types:

    • Ballot

    • Application

    • Capacity limited Team

    • Charity

    • Payment plan ticket

  • They’ve booked any tickets with more than one entry attached (eg: 1 ticket buys 3 entries)

  • If the participant’s entry was given to them by a partner (either by you, a corporation, charity or other business)

How it works for participants

  1. In the confirmation email, participants will find a link to Manage Booking (they can also access it from their Let’s Do This profile page).

  2. Manage Booking allows participants to select the transfer option (if it’s been enabled by you).

  3. The original participant can see the admin fee and cut off time, and understands how the transfer will work

  4. For transfers to another event: They click continue, which takes them to the Let’s Do This event selection page where they’ll see all the events you’ve selected as available to transfer.

  5. Once they’ve chosen their event, they’ll come through to the ticket selection page.

  6. If they're transferring to another race within an event they will arrive directly on the ticket selection page.

  7. The ticket selection page will show the list of available tickets as discounted by the amount the participant paid for their original entry, and the cost of the admin fee.

  8. Only available tickets will show, so sold out or closed tickets will be hidden.

  9. The original booking will be cancelled only when the participant has gone through the booking form, paid for the new ticket and completed their registration.

In your Organiser Dashboard

The original entry will show as cancelled in your Startlist. The new entry will appear as a new booking with the status Confirmed.

If you click into the entry on your startlist, then click into ‘Transfer History’ in the dropdowns below, you’ll see a tag saying “Transferred to another event” or "Transferred to another race" with all the information of their new ticket.

Transfer reports

For a more detailed view, you can navigate to the event > Data & Insights > Reports, you’ll find a tile saying ‘Transfers’.

Here you can see all Transfers and filter by event, to see all the information about who’s transferred. You can also see how much they paid in admin fees, and export this list. To see a specific transfer type (such as Another Event, Another Race or Another Participant), click the tab that says ‘New View’ and ‘Starter Templates’ and select one from the list.


Can I limit transfers to only certain tickets?

If you would like to specify which events, races and tickets can be transferred to and from, please contact your account manager. The settings to create these specifications yourself are coming soon. For now, just send a list to your account manager and we’ll do it asap.

How does a participant access their Manage Booking page?

From the ‘Manage Booking’ button in their confirmation email or their Let’s Do This profile page, they can go to this page: where they’ll need to enter their booking reference.

How do I check how much money I’ve made from admin fees?

On your dashboard if you navigate to Data & Insights > Reports, you’ll find a tile saying ‘Transfers’. Here you can filter by ‘Event Transfer’ and see all the information about who’s transferred in or out of your event. You can also see how much they paid in admin fees, and export this list.

Where does the money go?

When a participant pays an admin fee to enter via a transfer, this admin fee will always be associated to the new event they are transferring into.

What if the participant bought add-ons?

Unless you have opted to give credit for add-ons (as above in the Credits section) all add-ons, including price adjusting fields in the booking form (such as postage and packaging) will be cancelled and no refunds given.

What if they purchased Refund Protect, a Membership, or made a donation?

Ticket Protect, Membership purchases or charity donations will not be refunded or transferred to the new event. Membership purchases and Donations will not be cancelled. These are separate to the original ticket purchase, so they remains valid but the cost will not contribute to the discount on the participant’s next event.

What about booking fees for the new ticket?

Booking fees are not charged on a transfer, unless the participant is going to a more expensive ticket. The booking fee will be discounted along with the cost of their original entry. So participants will see the price they paid for the original ticket in the discount, plus the booking fee for the new ticket.

What happens if someone wants to transfer out of a team?

Transfers only work for social teams (ie: a team where there is no min/max number, anyone can join). So if you've set up a structured team with a min or max number of participants, transfers will not be available.

When someone transfers out of a social team, the new participant will not automatically be included in the same team, they will have to join that team during checkout. In addition, if the captain of a team transfers their entry, the next person in the booking will receive the captain tag. Read the help article for Managing Teams

Can I transfer them myself?

You can still use the Manual and Immediate transfer feature on your dashboard, however this won’t allow you to charge an admin fee. Send the participant this help guide so they can transfer themselves.

What happens if someone wants to transfer out of a structured team?

You will need to give them credit instead, or use the ‘transfer manually and immediately’ feature from your dashboard. However, this option will also remove that participant from the team. Support for transferring teams is coming soon.

How do transfers work for tickets with multiple entries included?

If you have set a minimum amount on a ticket greater than 1, transfers will not be possible. This is because the new participant is only allowed to buy 1 ticket.

Can participants transfer into sold out or closed events?

No, only available tickets will show on the ticket selection page, so participants won’t be able to transfer into an event that isn’t live and selling tickets.

Can people buy multiple tickets at once?

No, if someone is transferring their entry their basket will be limited to 1 ticket. This means they won’t be able to take advantage of any multi-buy offers you may have.

What if a participant has bought a BTF pass?

If a participant has bought a British Triathlon Federation insurance day pass with their original booking, they will not need to pay for another one. At checkout for their new race or event, they should add another pass to their basket and the system will automatically discount it at checkout. Their original pass is still valid with BTF for their new ticket, even if they're transferring to a completely different event on a different date and location. This will happen regardless of what settings you choose for transfers. If they have a BTF membership, they should just enter their membership number at checkout in the usual way.

🗣️ If you’d like to give feedback on the experience, or want to suggest any improvements, please contact your Account Manager

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