Every booking you receive on Let's Do This will appear in real time on your Organiser Dashboard.
Viewing bookings by event -
Within the "Event Listings" page, find the title of the event you're looking to view more closely
Click the "View Bookings" button in the bottom right of that tile
On the following page, you can filter by individual races (e.g. 5K or 10K), or get an overview of all bookings for all events
Scroll through to the right to see more data that has been collected on all entrants during the booking flow
Viewing all bookings -
Go to the "Bookings Overview" tab in the top left
Here you will be able to load all bookings that have ever been made through LDT
In the search bar you can filter by and information relating to either a single booking or an event
See the below video for a guided tutorial on viewing bookings on the Let's Do This dashboard: