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Individual Applications

Learn how to set up, review and approve applications for individual entries, including automated verification checks.

Rob Fearn avatar
Written by Rob Fearn
Updated over a week ago

In addition to General Registration entry flows for your event, you can also choose to set up Individual Application entry flows. These allow you to allocate entries to individual participants via an approval process. (Related article: What are applications?)

Some example uses:

  • Time-qualifying entry - participants with a qualifying race time in their age and gender division

  • Athletics membership entry - athletes with a qualifying race time and registered with an official body

Your application form can ask applicants for evidence such as identification documents, athletics association membership and qualifying race time. We’ll securely pass their information to one of our third-party verification partners. Some checks such as identity and address verification are automated, allowing you to:

  • significantly reduce manual resource, human error, and cost

  • process applications with a quicker turnaround time

  • check more thoroughly across multiple databases

You’ll be able to view the verification results in your Let’s Do This Dashboard. You can then confirm each applicant’s eligibility and allocate them a reserved entry to the event.

Verification options

Identity and Address

We have integrations with Stripe Identity and Onfido Verification Suite to securely verify an applicant’s name, date of birth, address uploaded identity documents and/or selfie photos against government and third-party databases. Applicants can upload documents directly from their desktop or scan a QR code to provide a selfie from their mobile device, without leaving your application page.

England Athletics and Wales Athletics memberships

We have an integration with the UK Athletics API to verify registered athletes from England and Wales.

Race result link

Applicants can provide a URL to a previous qualifying race result. This needs to be manually reviewed by you to ensure it meets your criteria.

Enable verification checks for your application form

Contact your Partner Success Manager to discuss your application requirements, including:

  • application form questions

  • eligibility criteria

Depending on which verification options are needed, we will quote you with the cost per check. Our team will then set up and enable the verification flow on your application form.

View your Applications in the Dashboard

First, go to the Events page within your dashboard:

Choose the Event you want to view Applications for:

Within an Event, go to the Applications tab:

Select the relevant Race for your Application, and select your Application ticket from the dropdown. The resulting table will show you a list of your Applications.

Understanding an individual Application

Each application has two Status columns:

Approval status:

  • Pending - Application has not been manually reviewed

  • Eligible - Application has been manually reviewed and is considered eligible

  • Not eligible - Application has been manually reviewed and is not considered eligible

  • Successful - Application has been approved and allocated a reserved entry

  • Unsuccessful - Application has been rejected

  • Cancelled - Application was manually cancelled

Application status:

  • Successful - The application was submitted

  • Failed - The applicant was not successful

  • To be refunded - Applicant is due a refund

  • Refunded - Applicant has been issued a refund

Reviewing and approving Applications

Reviewing the verification results

Select a Pending application by clicking the checkmark, then from the Modify menu, select Mark eligibility:

The application window will summarize the evidence collected:

For automated checks such as identity and address, we’ll show the verification result. You can expand the verification section for more details. For manual checks such as race result links, you can manually view the applicant’s provided URL. After reviewing, you can mark the application as Eligible or Not eligible:

  • If marking as Eligible, note that this does not yet automatically approve and allocate a reserved entry to the applicant - see the below step ‘Approving an application’.

  • If marking as Not eligible, you can optionally choose to send the applicant an email and explain the reason, and give them a link to re-submit their information. If the applicant updates their information, their application would change back to Pending status.

Rejecting an application

  • Select a Pending , Not eligible or Eligible application by pressing the checkmark, and then from the Modify menu, select Reject:

  • You can optionally choose to email the applicant immediately and include a reason.

  • Their status will be automatically changed to Unsuccessful

Approving an Application

  • Select a Pending or Eligible application by pressing the checkmark, and then from the Modify menu, select View and approve:

  • You can optionally choose to email the applicant immediately with their reserved entry invitation link.

  • Their status will be automatically changed to Successful

Next steps for Successful applicants

All Successful applicants are automatically allocated Reserved Entries, so that they can complete their registration for the event.

⚠️ You’ll first need to create an entry form ticket for your Successful applicants to complete their registration. Our Event Support team will work with you to set up this form to collect any race-day information and add-ons like merchandise.

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