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Learn how to work with personal goals
Learn how to work with personal goals

In this article, we'll show you how to work with personal goals in Learned.

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Written by Team Learned
Updated over a week ago

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Working with goals in Learned

Within the Learned platform, there are 3 types of goals: Organisational goals, Team goals and Personal goals. In this article, we will focus on Personal goals.

Your goals overview page

When you go to the Goals page via Development, you will be taken to an overview page where you can see at a glance all your goals that you are working on under the 'My goals' tab. These can be personal goals as well as team and/or organisational goals to which you are assigned as owner and thus responsible for keeping track of the progress of the goal. The 'All goals' tab shows you all goals within the organisation that you are allowed to see with your permissions.

Using the filters on the overview page, you can filter by goal type (personal/team/organisation), time frame, team and/or status of goals.

Status of a goal

On the overview page, you will see a status label appear with each goal. There are 4 different labels:

  • To do: No progress has been measured on this goal yet.

  • In progress: You have made progress on your goal and updated it in Learned.

  • Completed: You have completed your goal.

  • Problem: You're experiencing an issue and cannot proceed with the goal.

Creating a new goal

Working on goals is an important part of the Learned platform, for example, to improve on certain skills, or to achieve a certain target. If you want to create a personal goal for yourself, go to Development page - Goals and use the ‘Create goal’ button on the top right of the page.

When you go to create a goal, you need to go through 2 steps. Step 1 is about the goal details. Step 2 is about how you want to track the progress of your goal.

When creating your goal, you have the option at the top right corner to publish your goal, save it as a draft, or delete it.

Creating a goal - Step 1: Goal details

When creating your goal, in step 1 you are going to determine what your goal is going to be. Try to write down as specifically as possible what your goal is. You can further substantiate this in the description field under Advanced Settings. In addition, in this step you also determine who can view your goal. There are 3 options regarding the privacy of your goal:

  1. Private: Only you, your coach and an admin can see this goal.

  2. Team: You also share your goal with the rest of your team.

  3. Public: You share your goal with the entire organisation.

Finally, in this step you can also set a deadline for your goal. This deadline is optional. In fact, you may be working on a goal, which is continuous.

Goal suggestions

If you find it difficult to formulate a goal, you have the option via the Suggestions button to view a number of goal suggestions linked to your role profile skills. So if there is a skill you can or want to improve in, these suggestions can help you.

❗️Note: You will only see goal suggestions if you have skills linked to your role in Learned.

❗️Note: The goal suggestions are generated using AI. Please read the suggestions carefully and determine if this is going to be the right goal for you.

When you choose a goal that is given as a suggestion, you also see that the goal you are going to set up is linked to the corresponding skill.

Advanced settings

Under advanced settings, you can set and add several more options:

  • Description: Add a further explanation of your goal here. Why do you want to work on this goal? And what result do you expect to achieve with this goal?

  • Time frame: Select the period in which you will work on this goal. Note: If you plan goals from a conversation form, the goal cycle is already defined for you. However, you can always set a deadline according to your own wishes. So by what date do you want to have achieved the goal?

  • Subtype: Indicate here whether your goal is a business goal or a learning goal.

  • Contributes to goal: Link your goal to another personal, team or organisation goal here if your goal contributes to the progress of the other goal. When you link a goal to another goal, your goal's progress only impacts the linked goal if that goal's measurement method is set to 'Average of goals that contribute'.

  • Editors: By default, as the owner of the goal, you can also edit your goal. Your coach also has the ability to edit and add to your goal. You can turn this on or off with the slider buttons.

Step 2: Goal progress

In this step you can decide how you want to work with the goal. Here is an overview of the options.

Average of activities

When you choose 'Average of activities', you can create 1 or more activities. This will cut your goal into smaller pieces to keep it manageable for you. Add custom activities yourself, or choose one of the activities from the library. By completing activities you will eventually reach your goal.

❗️Note: Choosing activities from the library is only possible if your organization also has the Onboard & Learn module enabled in Learned.

Custom activities

When creating a Custom activity, you have the option to specify the measurement method of this activity under Advanced Settings.

Average of contributing goals

If you choose the 'Average of contributing goals' option, your goal's progress will be fully influenced by the underlying goals linked to your goal. The goal's progress is then updated by updating underlying linked goals.

Done or not done

With this option, you immediately complete the goal when it is achieved. You have the option of adding different activities when you choose 'Done or not done' to break the goal into smaller pieces for yourself. You then have to manually update both the progress of the activities and the progress of your goal.


If you choose to track your goal with Metrics, you have a choice of:

  • Currency

  • Number

  • Percentage

For Metrics set a start value and a desired end value. Again, you have the option of adding activities to your goal. Do this to make your goal concrete with logical steps to perform and/or achieve in a certain order. Again, you should update the progress of the activities and the progress of the goal separately.

Setting progress

To update the progress of your goal, go to the Goals page. Then click on the goal you want to update the progress of. When you click Update, you will have the option to update the progress of your goal or of 1 of the activities.

❗️Note: Editors have the option to edit, archive or delete the goal at the top right. Archiving a goal is done when you have achieved the goal and it no longer needs to be evaluated.

Goal settings

In the settings of your goal you can see not only whether your goal contributes to another goal or is influenced by underlying goals. You can also see the goal type, privacy settings, who the editors are and whether the goal is linked to one of the skills in your role profile.

Goal updates

Every time you update the progress of your goal, that is an update on the goal. All updates are logged and can be found under the Updates tab.

Goal feedback

If your organisation has the Feedback module enabled, you have the ability to ask for feedback directly from colleagues on the goal you are working on. This feedback can be found under the 'Feedback' tab.

Privacy: Who can see your goal?

Goal type

Privacy: Private

Privacy: Team

Privacy: Public


  • Owner

  • Coach of owner

  • Owner(s)

  • Coach of owner(s)

  • Team members of owner (from all teams where owner is member)

  • All members


  • Owner

  • Coach of owner

  • Owner(s)

  • Coach of owner(s)

  • Team members of selected teams

  • Coaches of selected teams

  • All members


  • X

  • X

  • All members

Coach: Creating a goal for a specific employee

As a coach, you have the ability to create a goal for a specific employee. Interested in how you can do this? Please read the following article:

Other goal types

In addition to the individual goals, it is also possible to create Team and Organisation goals in Learned. The personal goals can then be linked to a Team/Organisation goal.


By whom?


Creating a Team goal

Coach / Admin

Creating an Organisation goal


Setting up Goal Updates


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