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3. Additional tips & tricks!
How to level-up and maximize our features as suggested by our community and us!
How can I add multiple tasks quickly?A simple way to copy and paste multiple tasks in one go
I find task / context switching really difficultSome features in Llama Life to help you switch from one task to the next more easily
How to help you stop your current taskSometimes stopping a task can be just as tough as starting.
Help me to switch and move on to the next taskDon't let analysis paralysis stop you from getting started. Let us pick the next task to start.
Help me to start my next task!Use our Auto Start Next Task and Break-it-down features when you need help starting that next task
Help me to focus and work through my next taskUse our Soundscapes to help drown out unwanted distractions so you can focus on the task at hand.
How do I make my list more fun?Upping the dopamine and having more fun can help increase motivation and focus!
I'm procrastinating and finding myself easily distractedWe can all get distracted and find ourselves procrastinating, here are some tips from our community which may help.
Help me know if my to-do list is too longUse our List Time, End Time, and Time Divider to manage your day and see if your list is realistic or not!