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Manager submitting an App to Origin
Manager submitting an App to Origin

This article describes the Columbus Loanapp experience as a Manager (receiving an application from Broker, assessing, submitting to Origin)

Jessica avatar
Written by Jessica
Updated over 2 months ago

As a Columbus partner, as part of your branded Loanapp, you are able to receive applications from your brokers, to create a new (editable) copy of the broker's application, work on it while you complete your assessment workflows, and then submit your version up to Origin.

Not only is this a convenient way to assess and then submit to Origin, Columbus has built into the workflows a bunch of third party services such as valuation ordering, LMI approval, credit checks and more.

The Manager Loanapp is the second layer in the Columbus Loanapp ecosystem.

It allows you to receive apps from brokers, then promote these apps to a new version that you can work on while you assess the deal; and then submit up to Origin.

Accessing Received Apps

As a Mortgage Manager staff member, you login to Loanapp at this URL:

To see applications submitted to you by your brokers, go to Received Apps.

You will be able to see the most recent broker submission at the top of the list:

(Note there is also a search and filter function if you need it)

If you click once on this application in the grid, you will highlight the app and see a bunch of buttons in the ribbon along the top become activated. For a full list of the ribbon functionality, click here.

If you double click on the application in the grid, it will launch the application and open it. Because this is the broker's version of the application, you can view all the data, but it is locked and you cannot change the data.

Creating a copy to submit to Origin

Back in the Received Apps grid, if you highlight Barry's Broker's application (one click), you will see the "Lodge to Funder" button becomes enabled on the ribbon:

When you click on this button, you will be able to create an exact copy of the broker's submission, but in an editable format. This is your new version of the application, to be submitted to Origin when you are ready. You will be presented with a popup screen:

When you click create, a new copy of the application will open in the Origin appform:

You will note there are 3 layers of identifiable submission parties in this new application:

Sales Channel (the Broker's details):

Business Channel (this will be your organisation when you are using it):

And finally funder (Origin):

You will find all of the broker's original data in this new application, but it is fully editable so that you can update and add data as you work through your credit assessment.

Note that the copy is all of the data, and also all of the broker's supporting docs.


This version of the Origin Loanapp will still have your products. This is so that the broker's product selection carries across to this copy - and it also means that you can change the product/product details if you need to as a result of your credit assessment.


The File Tab is where all other functionality outside of the application data is found. This functionality includes serviceability, supporting documents checklists and upload, generating print forms, third party services, and the submit (to Origin) button.

You can click on (and go to) the FILE Tab at any time to use any of the functionality - but note that some (eg serviceability) can only be used once you have a complete and valid application.


Serviceability in Origin Loanapp is integrated with Origin's Opica serviceability calculator. When you trigger Serviceability, Loanapp will gather all the important data out of your application and populate it into the Opica calculator.

You will be presented with a popup of the calculator, where you will be able to review the populated data and make any changes or updates necessary. For more information, please click here.


The Checklist dynamically generates a supporting documents checklist to guide your gathering of supporting documents for the application. Because the broker has already submitted supporting docs, it may be that this checklist is not necessary. But if you change any of the data in the application, it may trigger a new or different supporting doc requirement on top of those presented to the broker in the original application, so you can still generate to check requirements. Remember that the Broker's supporting documents from their original application will have copied across to this new application, for you to review and then use to submit to Origin, if they are correct.

Print Forms

You will have received a signed app form with the broker's submission, so you will most likely not need to generate print forms - but the functionality is there if you need it.

Supporting Documents

The broker's supporting docs will have been copied across to this new version of the app.

Before submission, you will see them sitting in the Supporting Docs 'bucket':

After you have submitted, the broker's work in attaching the supporting docs will be retained. You will be able to check the attachments and make any changes/add new docs, as you need to.

Identity Verification

The broker will have been able to trigger an electronic ID verification at the broker level as a part of his submission. If has has done so successfully, this section will be locked and you will see that it has been completed.

The ID verification is not mandatory at the Broker level, so there is a chance the broker will not have performed the check. If not, you will need to proceed with the ID check:

To enable the ID Check - you need to make sure the (consent) to the digital check - has been completed in Loanapp "Other Details" section:

The process takes about 1 minute, and returns a verification that the applicant's ID details match what is on various government databases.

For a full description of the Identity Verification workflow, please click here.

Digital VOI

Loanapp has an integrated biometric ID service, which is a convenient digital VOI workflow for you and your applicants.

Biometric ID verification is a process where your applicants will receive an SMS invite to take a photo of their ID, and then conduct a liveness selfie to prove that they are the same as the image on the ID. The whole process takes about 2 minutes, and its a formal VOI outcome - it means you do not have to physically VOI your applicants (or use another physical service to do so).

For a full run-through of the Digital VOI, click here.

Electronic Sign

The broker will have submitted a signed application form with his submission, so this section might not matter on your level, but its there if you want to regenerate app forms and get them signed again.

Signing electronically is not mandatory - the broker can instead download the Application forms from the Print Forms sections and get a wet signature from his applicants.

For more info on the Electronic Signature workflow, please click here.

Credit Check

The Mortgage Manager level has the ability to order a credit check from Loanapp when promoting the application to Origin.

You will need to navigate to Credit Check in the File tab and then send the request.

Once the check is run the section will note a 'success', and the credit report itself will be sent to the supporting docs section. For more information on Credit check, click here.


The Mortgage Manager has the ability to order a valuation from Valex directly from the Loanapp File Tab, while working on the application for Origin or after submission to Origin.

You need to select Order Valuation from the File Tab.

Review the pre-populated data and complete any that is missing for all tabs within the Order Valuation pop-up.

You can add any documents she needs to the valuation order before sending the request (eg Contract of Sale) , then Order Valuation.

When the valuation is complete, it will be sent to supporting documents. For a full run through of the valuation functionality, click here


When you have finalised the application, you are ready to submit to Origin.

The Submit button in the file tab takes her through the submit workflow:

For more on the Submit workflow, please click here.

Supporting Documents

The broker's supporting docs and their work attaching to the checklist will be preserved in your new Origin application. When you have submitted the data to Origin, you will need to finalise the application by reviewing the supporting docs and perhaps re-working them.

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