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Managing Admin Tasks

Introduction to Admin Tasks

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Written by Lockwell Support
Updated over a week ago

An Intro to Admin Tasks

While Lockwell automatically protects your organization from cyber threats, sometimes we need input from an admin on your team! When there is a company management-related decision to make, Lockwell creates tasks for the admins on your team to complete.

Browse to the Dashboard page of the admin dashboard to see all open admin tasks!

How Admin Tasks Work

  1. Lockwell identifies a decision for your admin team to make.

  2. Lockwell creates an admin task & emails each admin on your team.

  3. Each task briefly describes the decision to be made and gives simple button-click options for an admin on your team to handle the task (most are approve/deny).

  4. When an admin on your team handles the task, Lockwell automatically closes it.

Lockwell automatically acts to close certain admin tasks if not handled in 2 weeks!

Lockwell's Admin Tasks & How to Handle Them

Service priority lower than recommended

This admin task helps ensure that all of your team's services are set to the correct priority, which influences how Lockwell protects the service. Learn more about service priority here!

  • Created: When the security priority of a service used by your team is lower than recommended by Lockwell.

  • Options to Close: Approve or deny the recommended priority update.

    • Approve: Updates service to Lockwell's recommended priority.

    • Deny: Keeps service at its current priority.

  • Autocomplete: Lockwell automatically updates the service to the recommended priority if not handled by an admin in 2 weeks.

Underutilized Service

This admin task informs you when a service used by your team has not been viewed for a while. This can help save your organization money by identifying accounts that are unused which you may still be paying for.

Best practice: Follow up with your team to see if they still use the service!

  • Created: Lockwell sees that one of your team's services hasn't been used for a while.

  • Options to Close: Acknowledge the service is underutilized by clicking Ok.

  • Autocomplete: None

New Device Request

Everyone on your team gets to use Lockwell on 3 devices by default with their plan! If a team member adds Lockwell on an extra device, Lockwell asks your admins to approve the device before allowing the team member to login.

You aren't charged for extra devices during Lockwell's closed beta! In the future, extra devices past the 3 free included in every user's plan will add $2/month

  • Created: A team member tries to log into Lockwell on an extra device past the 3 included in their plan.

  • Options to Close: Approve or dismiss the new device request.

    • Approve: Unlocks Lockwell on the new device & adds it to your plan.

    • Dismiss: Device is left in Pending status and the team member cannot use Lockwell on the new device.

  • Autocomplete: Unlocks Lockwell on the new device & adds it to your plan if not handled in 2 weeks.

Underutilized Device

If a member of your team hasn't used Lockwell on one of their devices for an extended period of time, Lockwell creates this task to inform your admin team and ask whether or not the device should be disabled.

  • Created: When a member of your team hasn't used Lockwell on a device for an extended period of time.

  • Options to Close: Disable the device if no longer used, or tell Lockwell the device is still used.

    • Approve: Disables the device.

    • Deny: Tells Lockwell the device is still in use

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