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Best Time to Call Report Breakdown
Sabrina Garrett avatar
Written by Sabrina Garrett
Updated over a year ago

Best Time to Call Report

The Best Time to Call Report is a useful tool that shows your team's conversation rate of the number of outbound calls made in a day. This report can help you determine the most effective time to make calls and increase your team's productivity. Make sure to regularly check the report and adjust your call schedule accordingly for the best results.

The Best Time to Call Report is divided into 24 sections, each representing an hour of the day. The higher the conversation rate for a particular hour, the more successful your team was in making calls during that time.

For example, if the graph shows a peak at 10 AM, it means that your team had the highest conversation rate at that hour. This information can help you schedule your team's calls for the most productive times of the day.

Using the Best Time to Call Report to Improve Productivity

By analyzing the data in the Best Time to Call Report, you can make informed decisions about when to schedule your team's calls. This can lead to increased productivity and better results for your team.

  • Calls Made

    • Average SUM of outbound calls made for selected timeframe, source, and/or lead type.

  • Conversation Rate

    • Average conversation rate for calls over 2 minutes for selected timeframe, source, and/or lead type.

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