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Expenses explained

A quick summary of Mbrella's expenses

Quinten Vandermeulen avatar
Written by Quinten Vandermeulen
Updated over 8 months ago

What are expenses?

Mbrella allows you to manage your expenses in the expenses tab. Whenever an expense is added it shows up in the "all expenses" list. Where the following information is displayed:

Expense Status

Once an expense is submitted, the fleetmanager will review it and either approve or refuse it. The status informs you on which phase of the approval process an expense is in. 

Expense Category

The expense category relates to either the mode of transport used or the type of housing expense. Housing expenses can be paid with the mobilitybudget when live within 5km of your workplace.

Expense Type

There are three expense types. These depict whether an expense is private, professional or both. Professional expenses are covered by the employer and don't use you mobilitybudget.

  • Example private expense: using a rental car to go on holiday or to commute to work.

  • Example mixed expense: using a rental car partly for a customer visit and partly for holiday.

  • Example professional expense: using a rental car purely to visit a customer.

How are expenses created? 

Expenses are either created automatically, via recurring expenses or manually.

Automatically generated expenses

Mbrella is linked with several mobility solutions such as apps and mobility cards. When using these solutions, expenses are automatically generated in Mbrella.
Apps: Uber, Skipr & MyMove
Cards: Modalizy
More integrations to come!

Recurring expenses

Using recurring expenses, it's possible to automatically generate an expense every moth. This is especially useful for housing costs.

A guide on how to create recurring expenses can be found here.

Manually created expenses

In some cases the methods mentioned above aren't possible.  For example your Modalizy card isn't accepted (i.e. JUMP) or you've purchased a bike or scooter. For those occasions expenses can be created manually.

Find the guide on adding expenses here.

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