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Adding single expenses

You can add expenses yourself and include an attachment

Quinten Vandermeulen avatar
Written by Quinten Vandermeulen
Updated over 11 months ago

It's useful to add manual expenses if your company is not using mobility payment cards or if your payment card was not accepted when consuming mobility.

How to add a manual expense

  1. Navigate to your Expenses module in the side bar

  2. Click on Add expense in the top right corner

  3. Complete the expense details
    Tips :
    ✍🏽 Give your expense a clear name that's understandable for your admin
    📆 Enter the date on which you paid for the expense. Not just the date when you added the expense
    ❗️A comment is required for professional expenses
    💸 Deselect 'Reimburse this expense' if you did not pay for the expense but it needs to be deducted from your budget (eg: leasing invoices,...)

4. Click on Save. The expense amount will now be deducted from your remaining budget

See how it's done:

Expenses can be edited as long as they have not yet been approved and sent to your payroll provider. To edit an expense, go to your overview of expenses and click on Edit (via the three dots on the expense row).

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