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Handling De Lijn subscriptions if my company already has a third party agreement
Handling De Lijn subscriptions if my company already has a third party agreement

Add your Mbrella Concierge as your contact person on your De Lijn agreement

Quinten Vandermeulen avatar
Written by Quinten Vandermeulen
Updated over a week ago

It's not ideal, we know. We preferred to have done all of this automatically, but Belgian public transport companies are lagging a bit behind when it's about digitizing processes 🤷‍♀️

How to add Mbrella as your De Lijn Concierge

1. Find the e-mail address of your third party contact person. It's mentioned on your third party agreement (article 5)

2. Add your Mbrella Concierge person as a contact person by sending the following e-mail to your third party contact person:


Ik zal het beheer van mijn derdebetalersovereenkomst op naam van [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (klantnummer [YOUR CLIENT NUMBER - mentioned on your agreement]) overlaten aan iemand anders.

Aangezien deze wijziging niet digitaal kan gebeuren, kan u daarom de contactpersoon wijzigen naar:
- Amy Peeters
- Mbrella Concierge
- 0471 66 34 34

Gelieve ook de maandelijkse waarschuwingen te sturen naar

Alvast bedankt!

3. Your De Lijn contact person will change the details

4. Go back to Mbrella and click on: Activate third-party payer agreement and follow the steps in the tutorial.

5. Send us a small message with the in-app chat to let us know that you've taken all the actions so our team can check if we've received the accesses.

6. Well done! As of now, you no longer need to worry about your third party agreement and subscription orders. Your Mbrella Concierge takes care of it all

At your service! 🛎️

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