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Import your payroll export to Acerta

Download your payroll export in Mbrella. Then, go to Acerta Connect and click on Import (for Connect Pro) or Employees (for Connect Smart)

Quinten Vandermeulen avatar
Written by Quinten Vandermeulen
Updated over a week ago

Including salary benefits in your payroll can be a pain. You either have to manually add salary data for each employee, or you have to pay an expensive fee to your payroll provider so they do it themselves.

Skip all this by importing an Acerta-compatible payroll file for all your employees at once.

🔍 Verify the 'Agreement number' first

Before exporting your payroll file, first verify that the employee payroll IDs in Mbrella match with the employee 'Overeenkomstnummer' in Acerta Connect.

  1. Find an employee's 'Agreement number (Overeenkomstnummer)' in Acerta Connect via Start > Overeenkomsten

  2. Then copy the numbers to the corresponding employees in Mbrella via Settings > Payroll > Employee payroll IDs

    Mbrella employee payroll IDs

📥 How to download your Acerta-compatible payroll export file

Follow these steps

Or watch this video

📤 How to upload your payroll file to Acerta Connect Pro

Important: first request the activation of mobility pay codes from your payroll manager at Acerta. Also check that you can import files in Acerta Connect Pro.

  1. Go to Import in the left menu. Then click on New import

  2. Select Different wage elements. If you do not see this option, then your Connect version does not give you the right to do so. Go to the section below to add the mobility data in this case.

  3. Upload the file. It may take some time to upload, do not refresh the page in the meantime.

  4. Click Next and follow the instructions

    All done! Now, your mobility payroll data will be added to your employees' salary elements.

📤 How to upload your payroll file to Acerta Connect Smart

  1. Go to Employees in the menu on the left. Then click on Wages and Wage elements

  2. Select the employee and contract for whom you want to enter the mobility consumption

  3. Select the correct pay period and click on Add line

  4. Enter the data by choosing the corresponding codes and amounts you find in the Acerta-file you exported from Mbrella (eg: 7015-basic mobility compensation)

  5. Then click Save

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