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Adding User Details to New Custom User Fields

How to populate new user data fields for the users at your account

Henri Scamps avatar
Written by Henri Scamps
Updated over a week ago

When a new custom user field, such as a Staff ID user field, is added to your account you will be able to populate the user field with the relevant details for your current and new users using the following methods:

New Users

Once a new user field has been added to your account, it will automatically appear as a field to populate on the 'Invite New User' page:

If you are inviting new users in bulk using the CSV upload method, the new user field will also automatically appear on the CSV template you can download from the same page:

Existing Users

New user fields can be populated for existing users using the 'Edit User' method from the Users page.

First, select the users you wish edit by clicking the selection box to the left of the users' names. You may wish to apply filters to the Users table, such as roles and where the users are currently logged in, to help narrow down the list to the users you wish to update. You can also bulk select all the users visible using the bulk select button that is inline with the column headings (please note: this button only selects all the users visible, so you may need to click to the next page of users to select more if needed). Once the users have been selected, click the 'Edit Users' button:

On the Edit User page you will see the new custom user field will be visible for population. Any users that may already have the new user field populated (for example had they been invited to your account after the new user field was turned on), will have their details for that field already filled on this page and you can click the grey cross next to their row to remove them from this update. Once you have populated the new user fields you can click 'Edit Users' and the users will have their profiles updated with the added details.

If you have a very large number of users you wish to update, and you'd prefer to work in a spreadsheet to prepare all the details, then that can also be handled. In this case, go to the 'Invite New Users' page as described in the New Users section above, download the CSV, which will have the relevant column for the new user field, and update it with your users' details. If you are using this method, it is important to ensure the mobile numbers and email addresses used to populate the CSV match your users' details in Med App, this will ensure that your current users will have their details updated rather than inviting new users. Once you have completed the CSV, you can upload the file into the dashboard following the instructions on the page, and invite the users. As long as the uploaded details match the mobile numbers and email addresses of your users in Med App, they will simply have the new field added to their profile.

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