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Creating a New Mailout Template

How to create and send a new Mailout or Template

Duncan Paradice avatar
Written by Duncan Paradice
Updated over a week ago

Creating a Mailout template will allow you to send it to new users when inviting them to the app to orientate them to your site, allow you to track engagement, get confirmation from people you have sent it to and personalise it to each clinician.

Find your Existing Templates

Click the 'Mailouts' tool in the lefthand side of the screen to go to the Mailouts overview page.

Then click on the 'Create New Templates' button on the right hand side of the screen. A column will pop-out showing you any existing templates you have. Click on one to go into the editor and make updates, or create a new one.

Creating a new Template or Editing an Existing One

Here you can you input text, copy and paste from other documents, as well as add videos, photos, tables or add auto-fill fields. This is the same as creating a new article in the app, with the addition that you can add auto-fill fields which will populate with the users name.

The 'Sign Required' Box

Using this checkbox lets you enforce a digital confirmation from the user that they have read the Mailout.

If you have this selected, you will be able to see if someone has 'signed' the Mailout in addition to when/if they have read it.

In addition to this you will be able to send reminders to people who have not signed it, and they will be prompted to read the unsigned Mailout each time they login to the app until it is signed. For more on reporting see our help article here.

Notes on the Additional Tools

This lets you link directly to other documents in Resident Guide e.g. an Orientation Guide or Term Description.

You should always include internal links to key handbooks or articles in the app that you want people to read.

Auto-fill Fields

Auto-fill fields are placeholders for pieces of information that can be inserted automatically by Resident Guide. For example, if you insert the fields for ‘First Name’ and ‘Last name’, Resident Guide will automatically fill that information from a user’s profile when you send them the document.

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