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Send an orientation message using Mailouts

Track your orientation, Improve clinician wellbeing, reduce clinical mistakes

Ben Rowland avatar
Written by Ben Rowland
Updated over a week ago

Mailouts allow you to track who has viewed and read your orientation message, this is really important for a number of reasons:

Setup your hospital orientation message (Mailout)

If you already have setup your orientation template, skip this step!

Why should yo do this?

Any clinician starting at your hospital will be anxious about working in a new environment. Give them a a succinct summary of where to find information on how your hospital works!

When should this be used?

This is best used when you invite clinicians to the Med App platform, however it can also be sent after they have been invited to individually.

What should be included?

At a minimum you should include links to hospital maps, key contacts, term descriptions, procedural guides and escalation strategies.

How do I do this?

Sending a orientation Mailout after they requested access to the platform

Once clinicians have requested access and they have been approved into the Med App database, it's important that you send your orientation message. This method can be a bit tedious, which is why we recommend admin lead onboarding, to efficiently orientation clinicians at the same time.

Assuming clinicians have already been accepted to Med App;

Key steps to sending orientation Mailout

  1. Open Mailouts feature from the left hand feature list

  2. Select your orientation Mailout template

  3. Click send to new users

  4. Locate the name of the clinician or clinicians you want to send the message to

Next steps

You can either follow the detailed sep by step instructions below or read on how to measure engagement

Detailed steps in Med App

1. Click on MAILOUTS and find your orientation template

Step 1 screenshot


Step 2 screenshot

3. Find your newly onboarded clinicians

Option 1 is to filter down on roles and select each clinician you want to send the Mailout to.

Step 3 screenshot

4. Select the appropriate role

Step 4 screenshot

5. Type the name of the clinician you want find

Step 5 screenshot

6. Click the tick box to select the clinician

Step 6 screenshot

7. Repeat the last 2 steps as many time as you like, when you are finished selecting all new clinicians, click select recipients and Send

Step 7 screenshot

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