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Mention Trackers

The following article explains the usage of the Mention Trackers

Ifigeneia avatar
Written by Ifigeneia
Updated over 3 years ago

The Mention Trackers box is the most important thing that you should pay attention to when setting up your account. It is where your keywords and social profiles are. You will find it at the Overview or Mentions tab (from the menu at your left).

When you created your account you entered a keyword to access the dashboard, so the system automatically created a tracker for it and/or any social profiles you may add. One tracker has the name of the first keyword you entered and the other is called "owned media" and it includes any social profiles you may enter or approved to be added as our system will automatically search for the most popular social profiles related to the keyword you entered. You will find all of the above mentioned under the "Brand Monitoring" section.

A Mention Tracker is symbolized with the flag icon and its letters are bold. It shows the total mentions of the keyword(s) and/or social profile(s) are included in it.

So a Mention Tracker is like a group that will include any keyword(s) and/or social profile(s) you will add. You can organize your keywords and social profiles as you desire, by creating as many trackers as required.

Note: A tracker does not count as a keyword.

By default, all the keywords and social profiles will be checked. This happens just for the Brand Monitoring section. If you want to uncheck one or more keyword(s) and/or social profile(s) just click on the checkbox of the keyword(s) and/or social profile(s) you need to exclude them from your data.

As only your Brand Monitoring is checked, if you need to check your Competitors' performance you can uncheck all the Brand Monitoring section by clicking in the checkbox at the left of Brand Monitoring and then choose your Competitor(s) tracker - or the whole Competitors section.

To sum up:

  •  if you need to exclude just a few keywords and/or social profiles just uncheck the keyword(s) and/or social profile(s)

  • If you need to exclude or include everything from a tracker uncheck or check the tracker

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